Data extracted from reports on Bos taurus 脳 Bos indicus crossbreeding were used to estimate the amount of heterosis in these crosses. Traits studied were age at first calving, milk yield, lactation length, and calving interval. The estimates obtained were (percent of midparent means in ...
牛亚科是一个庞大的分类学集群, 其现存的物种有十五种之多 。 家牛属包括欧洲 普通牛 ( Bos taurus ) 和瘤牛 (Bosindicus) 两个牛种indicus) 两个牛种。 牛亚科中 与家牛属中牛亚科中 与家牛属中研究背景的普通牛和瘤牛有过基因 交流的牛种有牦牛 ( Bos grunniens ) ,斑腾牛 ( Bosbanteng) , 牜 曷...
Indicus, the Greek term for India, refers only to the subspecies of zebu. The animal is considered to be different enough from the other cattle subspecies (which is called Bos taurus taurus) to warrant a separate subspecies designation. Like all domesticated cattle, the zebu is closely related...
Heat production and body temperature of Bos taurus x Bos indicus crossbred cattle in the humid tropicsLiang, J BRoch, JSharuddin, M AShanmugavelu, S
The karyotype of Bos indicus is identical with that of Bos taurus except for the morphology of the Y chromosome. The Y chromosome of B. taurus is a small metacentric, but that of B. indicus is a small acrocentric. Autoradiographs of DNA synthesis during the late S phase invariably show a...
Longissimus dorsi fatty acids composition of Bos indicus and Bos indicus x Bos taurus crossbred steers finished in pasture Studies were carried out to evaluate the fatty acids composition of Longissimus dorsi muscle, with or without fat thickness, of Bos indicus and Bos indicus... PIN Do,MF Barr...
Synthesis of primary Bos taurus-Bos indicus chimeric calves Attempts to produce primary Bos taurus-Bos indicus chimaeric calves by aggregation and co-culture of zona-free morulae were unsuccessful. Consequently, the... PM Summers,JN Shelton,K Bell - 《Animal Reproduction Science》 被引量: 241发表...
〖zebu〗亚洲产的一种牛(Bosindicus),肩部有瘤状突起,喉部的肉松皮延长为肉垂,直至腹部,两耳大而悬垂 瘤胃 liúwèi 〖paunch〗∶反…|基于6个网页 3. 犎牛 通常指黄牛或普通牛(Bostaurus)和水牛(Bubalusbubalus),也包括牦牛(Bosgrunniens)和犎牛(Bosindicus)。 中国牛种的驯化和演 …
ox- an adult castrated bull of the genus Bos; especially Bos taurus Bos indicus,Brahma,Brahman,Brahmin- any of several breeds of Indian cattle; especially a large American heat and tick resistant greyish humped breed evolved in the Gulf States by interbreeding Indian cattle and now used chiefly...
Qinchuan cattle had 25.8 %Bos Indicusmale origin and 74.2 % Bos Taurus male origin. 秦川牛父系起源中:瘤牛占25.8%,普通牛占74.2%. 互联网 英英释义 Noun 1. any of several breeds of Indian cattle; especially a large American heat and tick resistant grayish humped breed evolved in the Gulf State...