要解决这个错误,首先需要确保已经正确安装了Borutapy库。可以通过以下命令使用pip安装Borutapy: 代码语言:txt 复制 pip install Borutapy 如果已经安装了Borutapy,但仍然出现这个错误,可能是因为导入语句中的模块名拼写错误或大小写错误。请确保导入语句中的模块名与安装的库的名称完全匹配。 另外,如果你正在...
输出示例 训练结束后,可以输出特征ranking_,表示特征的重要性等级,在特征选择中也是一个很有用的指标。 >>>feat_selector.fit(X,y)//拟合的一些信息BorutaPyfinishedrunning.Iteration:13/100Confirmed:5Tentative:0Rejected:5BorutaPy(alpha=0.05,estimator=RandomForestClassifier(bootstrap=True,class_weight='ba...
# sampling in proportion to y labelsforest=RandomForestClassifier(n_jobs=-1,class_weight='auto')# define Boruta feature selection methodfeat_selector=boruta_py.BorutaPy(forest,n_estimators='auto',verbose=2)# find all relevant featuresfeat_selector.fit(X,y)# check selected featuresfeat_selector...
boruta_py:Boruta所有相关功能选择方法的Python实现 boruta_py 该项目托管了Python实现。 如何安装 用pip安装: pip install Boruta 或使用conda : conda install -c conda-forge boruta_py 依存关系 麻木 科学的 scikit学习 如何使用 下载,导入并使用其他任何scikit-learn方法进行操作: 适合(X,y) 变换(X) fit_tra...
Something went wrong and this page crashed! If the issue persists, it's likely a problem on our side. Unexpected token '<', "<!doctype "... is not valid JSONkeyboard_arrow_upcontent_copySyntaxError: Unexpected token '<', "<!doctype "... is not valid JSONRefresh...
Learn more OK, Got it. Something went wrong and this page crashed! If the issue persists, it's likely a problem on our side. Unexpected end of JSON inputkeyboard_arrow_upcontent_copySyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON inputRefresh
Hi, While fitting the model, i get the following error: dec_reg = np.zeros(n_feat, dtype=np.int) AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'int'. Thanks!Author Sameerpython commented Jul 11, 2024 I solved the issue by np.int to int. Thanks! 👍 1 QuantHao commented Aug...
What's different in BorutaPy? It is the original R package recoded in Python with a few added extra features. Some improvements include: Faster run times, thanks to scikit-learn Scikit-learn like interface Compatible with any ensemble method from scikit-learn ...
If this two step correction is not required, the two_step parameter has to be set to False, then (with perc=100) BorutaPy behaves exactly as the R version. Parameters estimator: object A supervised learning estimator, with a 'fit' method that returns the feature_importances_ attribute. Imp...