both literally (I was born on a Tuesday) and figuratively (Most ideas are born from necessity). As a verb,bornis always used in the passive voice. However, when the focus is on giving birth, as opposed to being born,borneis used, as inShe has borne three children.Borneis...
and it occurs only in passive constructions:My friend was born in Ohio.No children have been born at the South Pole.A strange desire was born of the tragic experience.Bornis also an adjective meaning "by birth,'' "innate,'' or "native'':born free; a born troublemaker; Mexican-born. ...
It has two of them, born and borne. Let’s find out which participle is used for which meaning. Here’s a tip: Want to make sure your writing shines? Grammarly can check your spelling and save you from grammar and punctuation mistakes. It even proofreads your text, so your work is ...
The meaning of BEAR is any of a family (Ursidae of the order Carnivora) of large heavy mammals of America and Eurasia that have long shaggy hair, rudimentary tails, and plantigrade feet and feed largely on fruit, plant matter, and insects as well as on f
the baby was born last week b : to bring forth : produce bear fruit 3 a : to hold up : support b : to put up with : stand I can't bear the suspense c : assume sense 1 bore the costs bear the blame 4 : to push down on : press bears down on her pencil...
bear down verbbore down; borne down also born down; bearing down; bears down transitive verb : overcome, overwhelm intransitive verb : to exert full strength and concentrated attention Phrases bear down on 1 : emphasize 2 : to weigh heavily on : burden ...
The meaning of BLOOD-BORNE is carried or transmitted by the blood. How to use blood-borne in a sentence.
The meaning of BEAR is any of a family (Ursidae of the order Carnivora) of large heavy mammals of America and Eurasia that have long shaggy hair, rudimentary tails, and plantigrade feet and feed largely on fruit, plant matter, and insects as well as on f
The meaning of BEAR is any of a family (Ursidae of the order Carnivora) of large heavy mammals of America and Eurasia that have long shaggy hair, rudimentary tails, and plantigrade feet and feed largely on fruit, plant matter, and insects as well as on f
bore down;borne downalsoborn down;bearing down;bears down transitive verb :overcome,overwhelm intransitive verb :to exert full strength and concentrated attention Phrases bear down on 1 :emphasize 2 :to weigh heavily on:burden Synonyms depress ...