英文: Working needles are famous Mayer compound needle system.中文: 织针为著名的迈耶复合针。英文: Studies on the Arbutin Biosynthesis by Hairy Root of Panax ginseng C.A Mayer中文: 人参毛状根生物合成熊果苷的研究 英文: The truth is, we are all born with potential greatness and blessed with ...
3) Born-Mayer potential function Born-Mayer势函数 4) Mayer & Cie Mayer&Cie公司 1. The patentedMayer & Cie. Mayer&Cie公司生产的不同类型的圆纬机可生产高质量、多种图案的长毛绒。 5) Mayer bond order Mayer键序 6) Mayer operation Mayer手术 ...
6) potential parameter 势参数 1. At last the relationship between thepotential parameterK and en- ergies,wave-function was discussed and the physical essentials were pointed out. 讨论了势参数与能级移动及波函数变化的关系,并说明其物理本质。
A microscopic theory of the lattice dynamics of the transition metal vanadium is developed based on the Animalu's transition metal model potential (TMMP). The Born-Mayer potential associated with the distribution of the transition metal d -electrons is treated as anisotropic. Good agreement with ...
A Study of Born Mayer Potential Parameter for Ionic Crystal and Metal Crystal HE Shao kui 1 , YANG Xiang dong 1 , LI De hua 1, 2 (1.Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics , Sichuan University , Chengdu 610065, Sichuan ; 2.Editorial Oiffice of Journal of Sichuan Normal University (Nat...
Ion-core interactions between nearest neighbors in copper are approximated by a Born-Mayer potential ja:math . Experimental values of cohesive energy, lattice parameter and compressibility are used to determine the parameters in the Born-Mayer potential. Thus we are using all the volume dependent ...
born-mayer potentialcoppercrystalsdifferential equationsenergylatticesscatteringNot Availabledoi:10.1016/0031-9163(65)90836-XLawson, R. P. WCorkhill, D. PCarter, GElsevier B.V.Physics LettersA matching procedure for scattering with the Born-Mayer potential at low energy transfers. R.P.W. Lawson,...
The Born–Mayer–Huggins potential which has been found the best suitable potential to study the YBa2Cu3O7δtype high temperature superconductors is revisited in a new framework. A deeper insight in it reveals that the Born–Mayer parameters for different interactions in high temperature ...
This has been explored in the form of Born–Mayer–Huggins (BMH) potential for the high temperature superconductors in a new frame work which enables to develop the expressions for Born–Mayer parameters, bulk modulus, and pressure. These investigations divulge that the Born–Mayer parameters for ...
J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2016, 12, 3851-3870. (32) Abrahamson, A. A. Born-Mayer-Type Interatomic Potential for Neutral Ground-State Atoms with Z = 2 to Z = 105. Phys. Rev. 1969, 178, 76-79.