Born von Karman theory玻恩-冯卡曼理论 born von karmam theory【电】 玻恩-冯卡曼理论 Von hippel breakdown theory【电】 Von Hippel崩溃理论 born in天赋的 生而享有 生于... born to生来就享有..., 注定就享有... be bornv. 出生于 born with天赋的 生而享有 ...
Born von Karman theory 玻恩-冯卡曼理论 Von hippel breakdown theory 【电】 Von Hippel崩溃理论 born in 天赋的生而享有生于... born to 生来就享有..., 注定就享有... be born v. 出生于 born with 天赋的生而享有 born into 出身于...家庭 born of 源于;出生于 be born of 出身于…...
网络玻恩-冯·卡门边界条件 网络释义 1. 玻恩-冯·卡门边界条件|基于 1 个网页
晶格振动有解的边界条件是波恩—卡曼(Born-Von Karman)条件。 参考答案:正确 点击查看答案&解析
最近投稿遇到一个问题,审稿人要求用波恩卡曼方法(Born-von Karman methodology )计算晶体的热容、焓和...
Born von Karman modelPb/ A6320D Phonon states and bands, normal modes, and phonon dispersionForce constants for interactions extending to eighth neighbours in lead, have been fitted to the frequencies of normal modes with wave vectors spread uniformly through the first Brillouin zone. The frequency...
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第三步:由词扩句1.他1911年出生于上海。He was born in 1911 in Shanghai.2. 1935年钱学森赴美留学,成绩优异,受到当时的著名科学家冯·卡门的赞誉。In 1935, Qian went to Americ a for further study and was highly thought of by Von Karman because of his excellent mark.3. 1938年他在美国获航空...
1.钱学森1911年生于上海。Qian Xuesen was born in 1911 in Shanghai.2.1935年钱赴美留学,成绩优异,受到当时的著名科学家冯·卡门的赞誉。In 1935, Qian went to Americ a for further study and was highly though of by Von Karman because of his great achievements.3.1939年在美国获航空、数学博士学位。
遣词造句·完成句子1.他于1911年生于上海。He was born in 1911 in Shanghai.2.他于1935年赴美深造,受到冯·卡门的赞誉。(think highly of)In 1935, he went to America for furthe study and was highly thought of by Von Karman.3.他于1938年在美国获航空、数学博士学位。(obtain)In 1938, he ...