Synonyms of born1 a : brought forth by or as if by birth The baby was born prematurely. She was born in Germany. a mentality born in the computer age b : native usually used in combination American-born c : deriving or resulting from a partnership born of necessity usually ...
Bornandborneare both past participle forms of the verbbear.Bornis used in the context of birth, both literally (I was born on a Tuesday) and figuratively (Most ideas are born from necessity). As a verb,bornis always used in the passive voice. However, when the focus is on giving birth...
born of necessity born out of born out of wedlock born too late born with a silver spoon in one's mouth foreign-born in all my born days native-born natural born See More Rhymes forborn borne bourn bourne corn morn mourn porn scorn ...
which have been corrupt and ignorant in economic matters. He rejects the idea that Hondurans have a cultural inclination towards laziness, or that being a small country dooms the nation to eternal underdevelopment. Sabillón is fond of quoting the examples ...
However, the possibility must be borne in mind that these APA are either of low affinity or are cross-reacting antibod- ies not specifically induced by penicillin, but due to exposure to unknown compounds which resemble pen- icillin in structure. This could explain the necessity in some ...
They took to themselves the prerogative of deciding what is GOOD, and what is EVIL. In so doing, they rejected the GOD-centered WAY of God's Spiritual Law, and, rejecting it, of necessity they chose the way that transgresses it!
If, then, the Calvinistic theory should appear to be supported, it must be with the proviso that predestination of necessity carries with it the grace of perseverance in good works, or at any rate a true conversion before the end, as well as final glory. Let us, in the first place, ...
Next verse: "And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall [future — resurrection] also bear the image of the heavenly" (verse 49). As we are now flesh, we shall be SPIRIT — at the resurrection. That is when we shall be "BORN AGAIN" — when we shall see, enter int...