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Born Innocent (1974) is a made for T.V. movie that I caught on the old Black and white many years ago. A sad film about a young girl (Linda Blair) and all the trouble she went through while she was in reform school. Her parents seem oblivious to her problems when a social worker...
This is a piano arrangement of the hymn “Gentle Shepherd 慈爱牧者” arranged by Fred Bock, taken from the book “Bock’s Best Volume 1: 50 Outstanding Piano Arrangements of Hymns and Gospel Songs Arranged by Fred Bock”, published by Fred Bock Music Company. Lyrics as follows: Gentle Sheph...
The moon rises In Pisces As retrograde Libra Attempts to leave her In pieces on the front porch Of confessions through a screened door Forgive me mother, father, brother, sister For I have sinned against Harvested orgasms Organs Silently screaming At the incisions Of hot and cold karmic seasons...
I light a candle at the alter, And pour my blood on the cross. At my cursed statue I revive my home. Berstuk! Lilith! Belzebub! Open the soil, and let the reveemer child be born, The halo of the Moon, Where even the fire is numbed with cold. Lilith: "Oh Nature, who hath cre...
it linger and die ugly. And at that, I don’t think the plan is even to kill these “social net” dinosaurs outright, but to put them on palliative care: saving them just enough for those who desperately need it, until they die a gentle death as those few who counted on them pass...
You may not even read this rant of mine that sounds like I am in heaven , or that I am high. Same thing. I am not. I am the same, just a little more plastered on the wounds than you expected me to be. However, it’s still a long way to go. ...
“Johnnie, I’ve been studying your marks of all the tests at school. I’ve made a ___ study of them, ”said the psychologist.“I’ve been trying hard, ”Johnnie was about to ___ .The psychologist put his hand on the boy’s shoulder and said, “People have different kinds of ta...
Light flickered on the slopes above, too distant to hear. Air currents brought a whiff of ozone, although none of the children recognized it. “Did they have to leave their home?” asked little Yukiko, who evidently understood some of their meaning. “Indeed,” said Justin wisely. “They...
a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in a rich environment.Therefore,the limits(限度) of a person's intelligence are fixed at birth,whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment.This point of view is now ...