Born Into Brothels: Calcutta's Red Light Kids Two documentary filmmakers chronicle their time in Sonagchi, Calcutta and the relationships they developed with children of prostitutes who work the city's notorious red light district. Title Summary...
Summary Of The Documentary 'Born Into Brothels' In the documentary “Born into Brothels”‚ there are eight children that are being filmed in Kolkata‚ India. One of the children is a young girl named Puja. Her age was not defined in either the documentary or the article‚ but she se...
Summary of Born Into Brothels BornInto Brothels‚ written by Zana Briski and her collaborator‚ Ross Kaufman was a humorous yet serious film about the children of the prostitutes trying to change their future. The film was recorded at the infamous red light district of overcrowded city of Ca...
Finding truth in the documentary - an analysis of the form and ethics of born into brothelsD. Raymond