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budgeting in best practice organizations in the German-speaking world. Die Begriffsgrundlage des modernen Planens basiert auf einer kompletten theoretischen Analyse sowie eine benchmarking Studie. Das letzte überprüft das Planen in den besten Praxisorganisationen in der deutschsprechenden Welt.[...
The search for an application of near-term quantum devices is widespread. Quantum machine learning is touted as a potential utilisation of such devices, particularly those out of reach of the simulation capabilities of classical computers. In this work,
Saurabh Netravalkar is a 32-year-old American bowler, who represented India in the Under-19 World Cup in 2010. Check out his net worth and more
New-born hearing screening has been implemented in the 1990s in most European countries and the USA. The Upper-Normandy region of France has been conducting a pilot program since 1999. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate and critically analyse it.Sophie Caluraud a b...
Many countries have national examples, such as the UK [18], USA [19] or Canada [20]. Datasets vary in the number of variables collected, purpose, definitions, collection process, and context. India’s Facility Based Newborn Care Database [21] and the Clinical Information Network (CIN) in...
In the second half of each year ,many powerful storms are born in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean Sea .Of these , only about half a dozen produce the strong , circling winds of 75 miles per hour or more that give them hurricane status, and several usually make their way to the coas...
Digital-born and legacy news media are competing to control the most central positions in the flow of online news. In this RISJ Factsheet, we examine how this competition unfolds during the French presidential election. We analyse a sample of 2.96 million news related tweets from a larger data...
Brother and Sister. Everything from BABY born also fits the siblings with 6 lifelike functions that all work without batteries. BABY born Brother Play & Style 43cm BABY born Carla (Sister Play & Style) 43cm BABY born Sister Play & Style brunette 43cm...
AMPK has been reported to facilitate hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction but, paradoxically, its deficiency precipitates pulmonary hypertension. Here we show that AMPK-α1/α2 deficiency in smooth muscles promotes persistent pulmonary hypertension of the