old led him to live with his mother in Toronto's predominantly Jewish neighborhood. Despite the challenges, Drake's early love for performing arts saw him land a role in the Canadian teen drama series Degrassi: The Next Generation at the age of 15, setting the stage for his future stardom...
Ever-endeared to the British public, he gained international stardom for his powerful portrayal of Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation and as Professor Charles Xavier in the X-Men film franchise. This shining luminary embodies the pride of Yorkshire, even serving as Chancellor of...
1992: Mookie Betts (56.4 WAR) --One of the best players of his generation, the outfielder won the 2018 AL MVP and is a six-time All-Star with six Gold Glove Awards and two World Series titles. Others of note: Aaron Judge, Bryce Harper, Manny Machado, José Ramírez, Xander Bogaerts ...
(What models can do), Museum fur Gegenswart Kunst, Siegen, Germany 2014 Nouvelle Generation (New Generation), Frac Nord - Pas de Calais, France 2014 Warm Math - Part 2, Gallery Balice Hertling, New York 2014 Somewhat Abstract: Selections from the Arts Council Collection, Nottingham ...
1942: Dogs Defense group founded - Army strength: 3.08 million people (2.28% of U.S. population) The Dogs Defense group was formed in 1942 in order to train dogs for sentry duty. The Army saw that the working dogs were skilled, and signed into existence the first K9 corp. ...
1942: Paul McCartney - Date of birth: June 18 The second Beatle on the list, Paul McCartney is one of two surviving members of the band. While he made his mark as one of the primary voices and songwriters of the most popular rock band in the world, McCartney has enjoyed success even ...
The biggest name in island music, Jamaican superstar Bob Marley brought reggae to the masses in the '60s and '70s with his band the Wailers and as a solo artist. Marley's legacy is so powerful that, as of 2017,his estate was still earning $23 milliona year—and the next generation of...
Hawking was born in Oxford, England, on an important date: January 8,1942 - the 300th anniversary of the death of physicist Galileo Galilei. Hawking became a hero to maths and science fans and a pop-culture figure, guest-starring as himself on Star Trek: The Next Gene...
Right But what do other people think about your generationSome adults worry that you're more interested in the screen in front of you than the world around you. They think of you as the "face-down generation" because you use your phone so much. They wonder how you will deal with ...
Dig Deeper Where Is The Cast Of 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' Now? Margot Frank Dec. at 19 (1926-1945) Margot Betti Frank (February 16, 1926 – February or March 1945) was the eldest daughter of Otto Frank and Edith Frank and the elder sister of Anne Frank. Margot's deportation...