As president of an independent Russia, Yeltsin moved to end state control of the economy and privatize most enterprises. However, economic difficulties and political opposition, particularly from the Supreme Soviet, slowed his program and forced compromises. In Sept., 1993, Yeltsin suspended parliament...
As president of an independent Russia, Yeltsin moved to end state control of the economy and privatize most enterprises. However, economic difficulties and political opposition, particularly from the Supreme Soviet, slowed his program and forced compromises. In Sept., 1993, Yeltsin suspended parliament...
As Gorbachev ascended through the ranks of the Communist Party, so too did Yeltsin. In 1981, he became a member of the CPSU Central Committee; five years later he was admitted into the Politburo. Yeltsin was a skilled and determined political operator, prepared to do battle with entrenched ...
Biography of Boris Yeltsin essaysBoris Yeltsin was born in 1931 in Sverdlovsk. His father was Nikolai Yeltsin, who worked in construction and was later convicted of anti-Soviet agitation, and his mother was Klavdiya Yeltsina, who worked a seamstress. B
Reading boris yeltsin a political biography is also a way as one of the collective books that gives many advantages. The advantages are not only for you, but for the other peoples with those meaningful benefits.DOI: 10.2307/20045363 年份: 1992 ...
Define Boris Yeltsin. Boris Yeltsin synonyms, Boris Yeltsin pronunciation, Boris Yeltsin translation, English dictionary definition of Boris Yeltsin. Boris Nikolayevich 1931-2007. Russian politician who was president of the republic of Russia from 1991 u
Key factors in the transition in the early 1990s were: continuity amid change in political leadership and governance institutions; the absence of a developed political party system that could have united Yeltsin and the new Russian parliament; and the underlying socioeconomic conditions and attitudes ...
Boris Yeltsin, Russian politician who became president of Russia in 1990. The following year he became the first popularly elected leader in the country’s history, guiding Russia through a stormy decade of political and economic retrenching. Learn more
将“鲍里斯·叶利钦"翻译成英文.例句:普京自己也用了三年的时间来履行与鲍里斯·叶利钦达成的继任协议。 ↔ Putin himself honored his succession deal with Boris Yeltsin for about three years.
MacSearraigh, Stephen