所以,The Boring Company是马斯克的“隧道建设公司”,创立初衷是为了解决美国地面交通拥堵问题。 2016年12月,马斯克被堵在路上了,于是他发了条推特,说要建一个公司解决这个问题,据说一个小时之后,公司名字The Boring Company就定下来了。 Traff...
The Boring Company的创始人Elon Musk,是一位在科技、电动汽车和太空探索等领域具有深远影响力的企业家。面对日益严重的城市交通拥堵问题,Musk决定成立一家专注于地下挖掘技术的公司,以期通过技术创新解决这一难题。2016年,The Boring Company应运而生,其成立背景正是基于Musk对交通拥堵...
他们研发了一种名为“隧道混凝土”(Tunnel Concrete)的新型建筑材料,这种材料具有高强度、低成本、环保等特点,适用于各种建筑工程。此外,The Boring Company还计划将这种材料应用于地下停车场的建设,以解决城市停车难的问题。 总之,The Boring Company正在逐渐成为Elon Musk的又一个创新引擎,其业务范围已经远远超出了最...
Elon Musk’s Boring Company has unveiled the latest component of their visionary plans for a network of tunnels under Los Angeles. The new “Hawthorne” test tunnel, built at the corner of SpaceX’s parking lot, forms part of Musk’s mission to reduce traffic in cities through a dual...
Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk Brian Snyder | Reuters Elon Musk hopes to have a tunnel running under a 17-mile stretch of highway in Los Angeles "in a year or so." One of his multitude of companies,The Boring Co., is currently building tunnels under Los Angeles. Musk predicts cars ...
Miami mayor says Elon Musk will tunnel under the city(via)举个例子,尽管迈阿密港下的隧道长度不到 1 英里,但总耗资还是将近 7 亿美元。此外《迈阿密先驱报》在周五指出,本次电话会议将主要谈论石灰质基岩和海平面上升对工程可能产生的影响。至于 2016 年成立的 The Boring Company,其一语双关地运用了“...
国内媒体在谈及马斯克(Elon Musk)创立的The Boring Company时,大多会将其翻译为“无聊公司”。的确,boring具有无聊的意思,可是The Boring Company真的应该理解为“一家无聊的公司吗”? Will的看法是,这里的boring不应理解为“无聊”。而应将其视为动词(bore)的现在分词:boring。因为bore作为动词时,具有“钻探”...
The Boring Company also has a test tunnel that is already operating in its home base of Hawthorne, California. However, the Las Vegas Convention Center Loop represents the company's first commercial endeavor. "Las Vegas continues to break through boundaries, and we look forward to offering this...
Elon Musk's Boring Company would like to solve our traffic problems; feel free to contribute. These would be road tunnels for zero emissions vehicles only — no toxic fumes is the key. Really, just an underground road, but limited to EVs (from all auto companies). This is not in place...
Elon Musk’s underground transit company, the Boring Company, planned an opening ceremony of its first tunnel on Tuesday, two years after the billionaire complained about Los Angeles’ traffic and vowed to “just start digging” as a remedy.Musk has advertised his two-mile tunnel as the first...