MRF 2000 is made from borate (boric acid) and organic food matter as an attractant. Boric acid is simply a white powder that is mined in areas like California and Nevada. It is a great way to eliminate cockroaches. Companies sell the white boric acid dust right out of the mines. While...
美国亚马逊 Hot Shot MaxAttrax Roach Killing Powder with Boric Acid历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Hot Shot MaxAttrax Roach Killing Powder with Boric Acid
MAGNETIC ROACH BAIT™ uses a boric acid active ingredient with food grade ingredients that cockroaches find irresistible. Apply as a crack and crevice treatment using a bait gun. Remains soft and palatable longer than other baits. ResourcesWHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT MAGNETIC ROACH BAIT For Pest ...