(2002). The use of garden boreholes in Cape Town, South Africa: lessons learnt from Perth, Western Australia. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 27(11 -22), 961- 967.Saayman, I. & Adams, S. (2002). The use of garden boreholes in Cape Town, South Africa: ...
The use of garden boreholes in Cape Town, South Africa: Lessons learnt from Perth, Western Australia. Proceedings of the 2nd WARFSA/WaterNet Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management: Theory, Practice, Cases. Cape Town, 30-31 October 2001.Saayman IC, Adams S (2002) The use of ...
The similarities in climate and geology offer water resource managers in Cape Town and Perth an opportunity to learn from each other's experiences. While Cape Town relies mostly on surface water for supply, Perth uses 50% groundwater for its domestic and industrial use. It is proposed that ...
Boreholes in Karoo Polluted by PetrolBEAUFORT West's underground water supply is polluted - with petrol. The fuel got into the water from leaking tanks at the town's petrol stations and more than 30 boreholes have been contaminated.
Groundwater: Past achievements and future challenges: 30th IAH(International Association of Hydrogeologists) congress on groundwater: past achievements and future challenges, 26 November-1 December 2000, Cape Town, South AfricaDarko, P. K. and Krasny, 1. (2000): Adequate depth of boreholes in ...
J.L.JollyGroundwater: Past achievements and future challenges: 30th IAH(International Association of Hydrogeologists) congress on groundwater: past achievements and future challenges, 26 November-1 December 2000, Cape Town, South Africa
D. SarmaL. CarlssonGroundwater: Past achievements and future challenges: 30th IAH(International Association of Hydrogeologists) congress on groundwater: past achievements and future challenges, 26 November-1 December 2000, Cape Town, South Africa...