Theboreal forestsof northern Canada have evolved to burn. These forests are dominated byblack spruce, a type of evergreen that is not just tolerant of fire but dependent on it. Black spruce has waxy, resinous needles adapted to ignite during lightning storms and burn vigorously. The forests th...
Canada's Boreal Forest matters to us all. Learn how Resolute Forest Products balances environmental, social, economic sustainability. Your questions
1998. Forest fires and sustainability in the boreal forests of Canada. Ambio 27 (7): 545-550 .Weber, M. G., and B. J. Stocks, Forest fires and sustainability in the boreal forests of Canada, Ambio, 27, 545 - 550, 1998.Weber, M.G., & Stocks, B.J. (1998) Forest fires and ...
This chapter deals with the question of maintaining biological diversity in the boreal forests of Fennoscandia, i.e. the Scandinavian Peninsula and Finland. The boreal coniferous forest, or taiga, is the dominant biome, with a latitudinal extension from
The boreal forest is the largest forest region in Canada, occupying approximately 315 mill. ha. Within this forest region long-term average annual area burned is 1.3 mill. ha, with extreme fire yearsbeing common, covering up to 7 million ha in a single fire season. Only 2% to 3% of thos...
found in stands where trees are all of a similar age and size. Natural Disturbances Boreal forests have been influenced and shaped by natural disturbances such as wild fires, extreme weather and insect infestations. Weather events also affect forest ...
Canada's forests have long played an integral role in supporting the lives of Aboriginal people, meeting their physical, cultural, spiritual and material needs. Traditional knowledge related to medicinal plants has been instrumental in the survival and wellbeing of Aboriginal people for thousands of ...
Boreal forests are one of the largest biomes on earth, covering 27% of the world's forests. In Canada, the dynamics of the boreal forests are largely dominated by large scale disturbances, with crown fires being the most geographically and temporally common. The probability of fire occurrence ...
OLD-GROWTH FORESTSCLIMATE-CHANGEEASTERN CANADACanada's managed boreal forest, 54% of the nation's total boreal forest area, stores 28 Pg carbon (C) in biomass, dead organic matter, and soil pools. The net C balance is dominated by the difference of two large continuous fluxes: C uptake (...
The consequent shunting of carbon back to the atmosphere rather than to sequestration in forests as biomass is thought to have positive feedback to global warming. Whereas significant progress has been made in developing carbon budget models for the boreal forests of Canada, enormous problems remain...