Setting the Display Mode to "Windowed" with native res and then running wmctrl -r 'Counter-Strike 2' -b add,fullscreen to remove the window decorations recreates a Borderless Windowed experience without the game minimising when focus is lost....
Close the window and hitPLAYfrom Steam. This will bypass the default launcher of Genshin Impact & with the command set in Steam, the game will run with Fullscreen. If you don’t own Steam, then you can follow the next method to maximize your Genshin screen. 4. Include Command Line Wi...
EXE Radar Pro v3 (Beta)- when running an executable file (exe/msi/bat/...) a window will appear asking whether to run or exit it (user-defined Command-Line/whitelist/blacklist runs automatically in background of the system). Verification via checksum ...
DelegateCommand(ICommand实现) ViewModelBase(ViewModel基类) 2.4 DMSkin模块(DMSkin.dll) DMSkinWindow[使用文档] [学习WPF的窗口跳转和内容切换] SystemButton(系统按钮) Icon(附加属性类) 3.下载&引用 3.1 可以直接通过 ...
Without looking through the window, you may see the ways of heaven. – Laozi It is always easiest to learn a language when you are living in a society that speaks that language if you take advantage of the opportunities that surround you. ...
a quick hack to make every game / window borderless command-line-toolborderlessgaming-tweaks UpdatedDec 7, 2018 C# sk8border/sk8border Star14 Code Issues Pull requests 🛹 Lay that Wall to Waste! (a game about shredding up the border wall) ...
DelegateCommand(ICommand实现) ViewModelBase(ViewModel基类) 2.4 DMSkin模块(DMSkin.dll) DMSkinWindow[使用文档] [学习WPF的窗口跳转和内容切换] SystemButton(系统按钮) Icon(附加属性类) 3.下载&引用 3.1 可以直接通过 ...
DelegateCommand(ICommand实现) ViewModelBase(ViewModel基类) 2.4 DMSkin模块(DMSkin.dll) DMSkinWindow[使用文档] [学习WPF的窗口跳转和内容切换] SystemButton(系统按钮) Icon(附加属性类) 3.1 可以直接通过 克隆代码到本地,通过引用项目的方式导入DMSkin到你的解决方案中 ...
DelegateCommand(ICommand实现) ViewModelBase(ViewModel基类) 2.4 DMSkin模块(DMSkin.dll) DMSkinWindow[使用文档] [学习WPF的窗口跳转和内容切换] SystemButton(系统按钮) Icon(附加属性类) 3.下载&引用 3.1 可以直接通过 ...