Extend the lunar mayhem with the Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Season Pass featuring new characters, challenges, missions, and more! Harness the power of your good looks with the “Handsome Jack” Character Pack; raise your level cap & battle waves of
Borderlands 3Tales from the Borderlands - Episode 1: Zer0 SumBorderlands 2Borderlands: Game of the Year EditionBorderlands: The Pre-SequelNew Tales from the Borderlands Enthaltene Add-OnsTales from the Borderlands - Episode 2: Atlas MuggedTales from the Borderlands - Episode 3: Catch a Ride...
《Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel》是廣獲好評的《Borderlands》系列的全新角色扮演射擊遊戲。扮演四名全新角色職業,在Pandora前所未見的低重力衛星環境下,運用各種新招式、新武器和新載具,盡情破壞、大開殺戒! 在低重力環境下騰空躍起,與未來妄自尊大的暴君Handsome Jack攜手奮戰,阻止Pandora及其衛星被毀滅。 協助腐敗的...
名称:Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Ultra HD Texture Pack 类型:动作,角色扮演 开发商:2K Australia,Gearbox Software,Hangar 13 发行商:2K 系列:Borderlands 发行日期:2023 年 8 月 30 日 Twitch X 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查找社区组 嵌入 不支持简体中文 ...
About Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Launch into the Borderlands universe and shoot ‘n’ loot your way through a brand new adventure that rockets you onto Pandora’s moon in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is a new role-playing shooter in the critically acclaimed Borderla...
Borderlands: The Pre-SequelWelcome to ElpisAbout Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Launch into the Borderlands universe and shoot ‘n’ loot your way through a brand new adventure that rockets you onto Pandora’s moon in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is a new role-...
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 无主之地:前传的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Side missions in Borderlands: The Pre–Sequel requires you to explore Elpis, meet people, and may be even kill some of them. During the process, you will earn money, XP, and new gear. For more help on Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, read our Vault Symbols Locations,Head and Skins Unlock ...
无主之地3怎么切换语言?在无主之地3游戏中语言怎么切换成中文呢?接下来52z飞翔小黑给大家分享下无主之地3语言切换操作攻略。 无主之地3语言切换操作攻略 在Epic客户端,点击左下角“设置”,拉到最下面展开“BORDERLANDS 3”,勾上“额外命令行参数”,在框中填入相应代码,返回运行游戏即可。例如要改成英文版(英语...
新妹子可玩!《无主之地:前传(Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel)》全新DLC即将上线! 大活宝又来了 !《无主之地:前传(Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel)》将推小吵闹DLC 《无主之地:前传(Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel)》新英雄Lady Hammerlock演示 《无主之地:前传(Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel)》v1.0.4升级档+“Lady...