skip the arena missions if possible and kill the disgustingly difficult monster Terramorphous the Invincible. ABorderlands 2 Save Editormay be the last straw you can hold on to. With aBL2 Save Editor, you can customize and improve all of your skills and equipment. So where can you find one...
本吧提供SE(SaveEditor,即存档编辑器)和PE(ProfileEditor,修改公共存档用的)。在上面给出的地址里有。SE使用教程吧里精品区有。PE的直接看内附说明即可。CE自己去某个精品贴找。其他什么游戏助手 xx项修改器恕不提供,自己去其他地方寻找。发帖求直接删。打开SE如果出现错误提示:“reencode mismatch”表示SE版本太...
无主3存档位置在:文档\My Games\Borderlands 3\Saved\SaveGames\[一长串数字]\其中,1.sav(以及2、3……等)是各个角色的存档。profile.sav是公共存档。无主之地3拍照截图位置在哪?(PC版)跟存档位置类似。位于:文档\My Games\Borderlands 3\Saved\Screenshots\WindowsNoEditor 19楼2023-07-02 22:14 回复 ...
Borderlands 3 Savegame Editor Work in progress, whenever I encounter a game-breaking bug and need to get past it. Because they don't provide a console in game. If you want a more complete, better written and more tested editor and you are okay with using a command line, tryhttps://gi...
Gibbed's Borderlands 2 Save Editor: BLCMods:https:/...
I have to inform you that a Vault Hunter has fallen. Baysix, the creator of BL3Editor, has passed away due to COVID-19. Stay safe out there everyone. RIP Baysix There is a new online save file editor you can download theutility. Be sure to make a backup...
建议购买年度版(Borderlands: Game of the Year),价格¥95,所有内容齐全。无主之地2:建议购买年度版(Borderlands 2 Game of the Year)加2号升级包(Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2)再加五个猎头包(Headhunter 1~5),总共¥127+¥16+¥10x5=¥193。以上都...
REMADE Borderlands 3 All Items Game Saves Level 72 Mayhem 10 Saved Games By xoRAVAGERox Cheat Engine Table Utilities By Mordecai12311 BL3 Save Editor Utilities By KaptainCnucklz Join the largest modding community RegisterAlready have an account?Log in here ...
This guide will allow you to complete all the area challenges of the Badass Rank of Borderlands 2 using Gibbed's Save Editor. This includes the challenges of all DLCs so far (Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty, Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage, Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt, Tiny...
Borderlands The Pre-Sequel All Level 70 Character Game Saves Saved Games By xoRAVAGERox Borderlands The Pre-Sequel RESHADE No More Blue Tint Miscellaneous By JIV0 Gibbed's Borderlands TPS Save Editor (Fully Updated) DEBUG-7214b51 Saved Games By ohen999 Join the largest modding community ...