无主之地3存档修改器(BORDERLANDS 3 SAVE EDITOR) 给大家简单介绍一下最近找到的一款无主之地3存档修改器,可以说很强大了。 地址:https://github.com/ZakisM/bl3_save_edit (此修改器为英文版,个人做了一些翻译但是不会编译,希望有懂rust编译的大佬做一下汉化造福更多萌新,界面主体翻译文件附在文章尾部,词缀尚...
https://github.com/sandsmark/borderlands3-save-editor/releases/download/arbitrary-release-because-github-is-dumb/borderlands3-save-editor- Functionality I. e. what it can edit. And will probably break. Basics (name, level, experience points) Mission objectives progress (so you...
I have to inform you that a Vault Hunter has fallen. Baysix, the creator of BL3Editor, has passed away due to COVID-19. Stay safe out there everyone. RIP Baysix There is a new online save file editorhttps://bl3.swiss.dev/or you can download theutility. Be sure to make a backup...
All games Borderlands 3 Mods Utilities BL3 Save Editor BL3 Save EditorEndorsements 1,003 Unique DLs 46,492 Total DLs 55,514 Total views 188,364 Version 1.1.3 Download: Manual 2 items Last updated 26 December 2022 8:26AM Original upload 26 December 2022 8:26AM Created by From...
我都是找到现成的代码,复制粘贴进去,然后在这个代码的基础上改成同DLC里的其他枪这个问题我也研究过,只发现这个方法 3楼2012-12-28 22:48 收起回复 T611AM 小吧主 15 看一下这个帖子“不敢在borderlands吧发,用SE改枪的时候DLC枪出现红框框怎么办” 来自手机贴吧4楼2012-12-29 11:41 收起回复 登录...
Borderlands 3 save editor for Unix and Windows. This is intended to be embedded into things, but, it can be used standalone. - HackerSmacker/CSave
macOS (OS X) $HOME/Library/Preferences/OakGame/MacNoEditor/ Steam Play (Linux) <SteamLibrary-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/397540/pfx/[Note 2] Save game data location • Link SystemLocation Windows %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Borderlands 3\Saved\SaveGames\ macOS (OS X) $HOME/Library/...
try your luck looking for other save editors, a simple search of, ‘Save Editor Borderlands 2‘ might bring you some results. But if you want to be even more specific, you can type ‘Borderlands 2 Save Ed Download Save Editor
Re: Borderlands 3 - Bank & Stats & Stuff 0 Post by Rydian » Fri Oct 04, 2019 1:14 am Using the bank lags like hell with a high capacity, but unfortunately the game sets your bank space back to what the total bank SDU purchase amount says it should be when you save and relo...
2k Games Borderlands Game Of The Year Edition (XBox One Download) at Amazon for $29.99 2. Tales from the Borderlands (Image credit: Gearbox/2K) Platforms: PC, macOS, iOS, Android, PS3/4, Xbox 360/One, Nintendo Switch Developer: Telltale Games It speaks volumes about Telltale Games' dis...