无主之地3存档修改器(BORDERLANDS 3 SAVE EDITOR) 给大家简单介绍一下最近找到的一款无主之地3存档修改器,可以说很强大了。 地址:https://github.com/ZakisM/bl3_save_edit (此修改器为英文版,个人做了一些翻译但是不会编译,希望有懂rust编译的大佬做一下汉化造福更多萌新,界面主体翻译文件附在文章尾部,词缀尚...
I have to inform you that a Vault Hunter has fallen. Baysix, the creator of BL3Editor, has passed away due to COVID-19. Stay safe out there everyone. RIP Baysix There is a new online save file editorhttps://bl3.swiss.dev/or you can download theutility. Be sure to make a backup...
BL3 Save EditorEndorsements 1,003 Unique DLs 46,492 Total DLs 55,514 Total views 188,364 Version 1.1.3 Download: Manual 2 items Last updated 26 December 2022 8:26AM Original upload 26 December 2022 8:26AM Created by FromDarkHell and Friends Uploaded by KaptainCnucklz Virus ...
Borderlands 3 Savegame Editor Work in progress, whenever I encounter a game-breaking bug and need to get past it. Because they don't provide a console in game. If you want a more complete, better written and more tested editor and you are okay with using a command line, tryhttps://gi...
本吧提供SE(SaveEditor,即存档编辑器)和PE(ProfileEditor,修改公共存档用的)。在上面给出的地址里有。SE使用教程吧里精品区有。PE的直接看内附说明即可。CE自己去某个精品贴找。其他什么游戏助手 xx项修改器恕不提供,自己去其他地方寻找。发帖求直接删。打开SE如果出现错误提示:“reencode mismatch”表示SE版本太...
我都是找到现成的代码,复制粘贴进去,然后在这个代码的基础上改成同DLC里的其他枪这个问题我也研究过,只发现这个方法 3楼2012-12-28 22:48 收起回复 T611AM 小吧主 15 看一下这个帖子“不敢在borderlands吧发,用SE改枪的时候DLC枪出现红框框怎么办” 来自手机贴吧4楼2012-12-29 11:41 收起回复 登录...
Borderlands 3 save editor for Unix and Windows. This is intended to be embedded into things, but, it can be used standalone. - HackerSmacker/CSave
macOS (OS X) $HOME/Library/Preferences/OakGame/MacNoEditor/ Steam Play (Linux) <SteamLibrary-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/397540/pfx/[Note 2] Save game data location • Link SystemLocation Windows %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Borderlands 3\Saved\SaveGames\ macOS (OS X) $HOME/Library/...
In: Times-On-Line 4 (January) http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/iraq/article408134.ece (Download: 03.08.2008). Higgott, Richard 1998: The Asian Economic Crisis: A Study in the Politics of Resentment. In: New Political Economy. 3(3), S. 333–356. Article Google Scholar ...
主要作品目前已发行3部:《无主之地1》(Borderlands)是2009年10月发布的系列第一作。许多方面和续作相比并不完善,但FPS元素更浓厚,枪械手感好。人气偏低,但对该系列有兴趣者务必体验。《无主之地2》(Borderlands 2)是2012年9月发布的系列第二作。相比1代有大量进步,游戏内容非常丰富,是目前人气最高一作。《无...