PS4的存档文件可以迁移至PS5,不过PS5的存档文件无法迁移至PS4。 要在PS4上上传存档,首先需要登录并打开无主之地3的主菜单,然后选择“开始游戏”下的“上传存档”选项进行上传。然后,在PS5上,可以在无主之地3的主菜单中相同的位置找到“下载存档”选项,以获取上传的PS4存档。 每次只能打开或保存一个文档,不能同...
无主之地3ps5和p..求各位大佬 我各种方法都试了 加了各种好友 关联了各种了账号 但就是没有啊 关联了epic和steam啥的都试了 然后好友栏里还是不显示
select the game platformPCPS5Xbox XPS4Xbox OnePS3Xbox 360SwitchWiiWiiUiPhoneAndroid 3DSVitaPSPNDSPS2XboxGCGBAN64DC A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z|last added cheats Borderlands 3 Save Game click here to download ...
Your Borderlands 3 add-on content and save files can be ported to next-gen consoles within the same console family so you can jump straight back into the action. Xbox One save files will seamlessly transfer to your Xbox Series X / S once you've set up and signed into the same Xbox Ac...
Borderlands 3 Crossplay: Last checked:June 6th, 2023 Borderlands 3 supports crossplay across the following platforms:Steam (PC), Mac, Windows PC, Xbox One, XBox Series S/X, Google Stadia, PS4 and PS5. You'll be able to enjoy playing online with your friends if you use any of these pla...
Currently available on PS4, Xbox One and PC,Borderlands 3is also coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X in the near future.
At the beginning of the Southpaw Steam & Power Facility, where you do the "Assassinate The Assassins" mission, is a room of lockers and small boxes. Check all the boxes and lockers, then go to the "Pause" menu. Select "Quit", then "Save And Quit". When the game returns to the tit...
Maya will also be able to hold the train in place every once in a while as part of her abilityas a siren. This will give the player an extra chance to hit the train several times in a row. Players should save up their special attacks for this moment, as there isn't any other mom...
If you haven’t tried PlayStation Now yet, now’s the perfect time to give it a spin with the seven-day free trial* for PS4 and PS5. The trial is available starting Wednesday, April 7 and is open to anyone who is currently not subscribed to PlayStation Now. That...
Borderlands 4will be available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC sometime in 2025. Editors’ Recommendations Ninja Gaiden 4: release window, trailers, gameplay, and more Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound led a new kind of retro revival wave at The Game Awards ...