无主之地2 Mod制..一 Mod制作基础知识所需工具:1 GibbedBorderlands2 SaveEdit,就是所谓的SE。2 能运行的无主之地2游戏。3 好用的文本编辑器,比如UE。当然记事本也行。前提:1 已开启
3去github点com/BLCM/BLCMods/搜索关键词,看看有没有人写过类似的东西。同时如果你真的想写出好的Mod,这里一定要常翻。4 如果你的想法实在是奇到前无古人(这种想法一般价值很大,一定要试一试),可以按下面的方法进行: 首先介绍一个非常有用的命令:objlist inside=路径名 class=类型名。它会列出该路径中所有类型...
Vault Hunter skin, ECHO Device skin, trinket • Gearbox Cosmetic Pack: Weapon skin, trinket • Toy Box Weapon Pack: 2 Toy guns, Toy grenade mod, trinket • Equippable XP & Loot Drop Boost Mods Wield bazillions of guns in the award-winning, mayhem-fueled adventure of Borderlands 3! Bl...
此贴目的是为大家带来更好的游玩体验,通过mod移除/修改一些较为不舒服的设计,而非魔改之类。二楼开更。 山几己SJJ12-2 57 无主之地3兽王天赋解析(图流) Mr.Zsir 之前在哔站上写的,现在顺手搬过来。原地址:https://www.bilibili.com/read/readlist/rl560738 由于贴吧不能编辑,可能会删楼重发,阅读时可以...
Schmuckstück • Spielzeugkiste-Waffen-Pack: 2 Spielzeugwaffen, Spielzeuggranaten-Mod, Schmuckstück • Anwendbare EP- & Beutelieferung-Boost-Mods Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition ist das vollkommene Borderlands 3-Erlebnis: das Basisspiel plus alle sechs Inhalts-Add-ons und die komplette Samml...
此贴目的是为大家带来更好的游玩体验,通过mod移除/修改一些较为不舒服的设计,而非魔改之类。二楼开更。 山几己SJJ 12-2 57 无主之地3兽王天赋解析(图流) Mr.Zsir 之前在哔站上写的,现在顺手搬过来。原地址:https://www.bilibili.com/read/readlist/rl560738 由于贴吧不能编辑,可能会删楼重发,阅...
Borderlands / Mod Updates These pages do not cover any changes made to the game by BlindSqirrelGames in theirremasterport of the game.(R34KT0R) Hall of Fame Update! - A New Hall of Fame Page (page 2) was made due to the lack of character space in the 1st Hall of Fame for the ...
This page is part of IGN's Borderlands 3 Wiki guide and contains an updated list of all known permanent and new Borderlands 3 Shift Codes for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. These codes can be used to obtain unique rewards like Golden Keys and unlock special Legendary Weapons and other loot. ...
Borderlands 3 is filled with sneaky ways to get stuff,like VIP and Shift Codes. In this article, we will be doing our very best to keep a nice up to date list of VIP and Shift codes in the game, but it can be surprisingly difficult to keep up with this type of thing. So, some...
So, on the off chance you want to experience your favorite title, Borderlands 2 in a new way, this mod pack is exactly for you. And, since we’re talking about mods, here’s a list of thebest mods for Windows 11, just in case you were in need of something like this. ...