计划从3代倒序更,cov双神镇楼 Eason 10-17 29 无主2使用N2N搭建局域网联机无法加入房间问题的解决办法 CMOS小瑾 摘要: 解决了无主之地2使用N2N联机加入房间时提示“连接超时”的问题。 当前游戏联机出现的问题与原理分析: •据我所知,不一定对。2.0.0版本以前,Borderlands 2(以下简称BD2)官方采用了P2...
FPS狂 由于一直有人反映,原来的联机、装备交易等交流贴采用单一专贴会导致楼层很高,前面楼层的信息大多已失效,而最新发布的信息总要翻到末页,查看不够方便。 因此,现在【每月】开一个新的联机贴。这样可以保证贴子里的信息都是相对较新的内容。而当新的专贴发布以后,旧的专贴将保留一定天数后被删除,避免过时内容...
You won’t be online, but some players are reporting easy success and faster FPS with this quick fix. How To Fix Lag Online coop in Borderlands: GOTY Enhanced Edition is a seriously problem right now. If you’re experiencing problems with extreme lag and connectivity, ...
Borderlands 3 Patch 5 Notes + Full Week of Gifts December 5th Hotfixes, 13 Minutes of New DLC Gameplay Hotfixes for Novemeber 26th: Butcher Recoil Fix Guide Writer Thoughts on Mayhem 4 and Maliwan Takedown Maliwan Raid DLC + Massive Patch Notes: Mayhem 4, Vault Hunter Tuning, Bank Space and...
We’re really excited to be chatting with them as they’ve worked on a whole host of changes to everyone’s favourite post-apocalyptic title ranging from the odd bugfix here-and-there to fully fledged expansions. So, without further ado, let’s meet Glitchfinder. It's great to have ...
3 Reply 5 carlos82 Thu 19th Sep 2019 I'll be picking this up when they fix the performance on the enhanced consoles which don't perform well enough on either mode at the moment. Beyond that it seems like a really good game and I was a huge fan of the second game, just a shame ...
3 weeks ago Tinker Steps:Switch to experimental Windowing:Other Fullscreen would often initiate at a much larger scale than the actual screen. Slight stuttering. Fix by changing Framerate Locking to 60 FPS. Proton Experimental Distro:Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) Kernel:6.1.0-28-amd64 RAM:32...
borderlands 3 runs with DirectX 12 API on a 16GB RAM laptop, but after some time like 20 minutes the memory usage will rise up to the whole RAM and killed by systemd-oomd. Is there any way to limit or reduce the memory usage of borderlands 3 or fix this issue? Is this relates to...
This isn’t so much a radical change from the previous game as it is an option that addresses some user complaints. And the fact that it is a toggle option seems to mean that forBorderlands 3, Gearbox is trying hard to not fix what some people thought wasn’t broken, while simultaneousl...
Unless you plan to invest 1000 hours into Borderlands 3, upgrading is unnecessary. It's one game. Load up any other Borderlands game and reap the benefit of fps well beyond 100. You get the same entertainment when playing any Borderlands game. Go here, shoot gun over and over until all ...