See the companion-using FL4K in action in the gameplay below: For starters, if your ECHO 3 mission log didn’t clearly label them as such, I would’ve had a hard time distinguishing Borderlands 3’s side missions from its main story missions – and I absolutely mean that as a compliment...
As one of the new vault hunters and 6 sirens of the universe, Amara is able to summon powerful abilities to assist her and her allies in combat. Get a taste of some of the skill trees she has available to her below - including the various action skills she has:...
Action Skills, du kan tilføje til din spillestil. Disse unikke evnetræer lader dig lave et enormt udvalg af nye builds til dine figurer, så du får uendelige muligheder for at vælge, hvordan du vil udslette dine fjender. Director's Cut Borderlands 3 bliver endnu større ...
compleet met splinternieuwe Action Skills om je speelstijl mee af te wisselen. De Phaseflare van Amara roept een bestuurbare orb op van elementaire verwoesting, de Gravity Snare van FL4K verlamt vijanden zodat zijn nieuwe metgezel de Loader Bot ze kan opblazen, Moze vecht samen met de ...
horizons can wield the power of an additional skill tree for each character class, complete with fresh Action Skills to mix up your playstyle. Amara's Phaseflare summons a controllable orb of elemental destruction, FL4K's Gravity Snare stuns enemies so his new Loader Bot companion can blast ...
alla Vault Hunter-klasser, med nya Action Skills för mer variation. De många valmöjligheterna med de unika färdighetsträden ger fler sätt att skräddarsy din spelstil än du kan drömma om. Director's Cut Borderlands 3 blir ännu större med Director's Cut-innehållet...
Amara, the Siren with punching power Great for: People who like going in on the offensive and getting their hands dirty. Not for: People who like to sit back and snipe. Skills:Her skills improve her durability and offensive prowess, allowing you to stay in the action as long as possible...
horizons can wield the power of an additional skill tree for each character class, complete with fresh Action Skills to mix up your playstyle. Amara's Phaseflare summons a controllable orb of elemental destruction, FL4K's Gravity Snare stuns enemies so his new Loader Bot companion can blast ...
Race en gebruik de kracht van een extra skill tree voor elke Vault Hunter, compleet met nieuwe Action Skills en krachtige passieve vaardigheden. Director's Cut Vecht tegen een gigantische eindbaas, los een interplanetair moordmysterie op, rust je uit met drie Vault-kaarten en duik in ...
Unlike the three known so far (Lilith, Maya, and Angel) Amara uses her mystic powers to enhance her brawling skills. She summons forth four extra ectoplasmic, glowing ghost arms that sprout from her back, Hindu-goddess-style, to beat enemies into submission. ...