Torgue’s Campaign of Carnage is the second DLC for Borderlands 2. They are their own adventures and can be enjoyed once you reach the level requirements. These Campaign Add-ons start at Level 15 and you can easily jump into them after the main story mission; “A Dam Fine Rescue”. You...
Note:To start this DLC after installing it, go to the nearest Fast Travel Station then travel to "Hunter's Grotto". Depending on what playthrough you're on, what level your character is, what build you use and if you're in co-op or not, the main story will take 3 or 4 hours to...
大家擦亮双眼,红字属..NO10. Don't drop it... might lose a toe大剪刀的红色字属性,近战伤害增加一倍,而且是在传奇枪支中比较少有的即加近战又有火焰属性的武器,射速又比较快,还是最早拿到的
& 外观DLC:Commando Devilish Good Looks Pack & 外观DLC:Gunzerker Greasy Grunt Pack & 外观DLC:Mechromancer Beatmaster Pack & 外观DLC:Psycho Party Pack & 外观DLC:Siren Learned Warrior Pack & 功能DLC:终极金库猎人升级包 2/Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack Two - Digistruct Peak Challenge) PC PS3 ...
伤害-40%,TechLevel+6,元素能力:70/20/20/40%-20/16/12/30-0.6/0.6/0.6/0.9X以下为属于战斗步枪的独特武器、DLC3新增武器,分别列出其独特材质和特殊组件的数据。后文同理。The Sentinel 哨兵材质:精准-35%,换弹速度+50%Sentinel_sight4:瞄准视野-150%Tediore Avenger 复仇者材质:伤害-5%,换弹速度+100%...
Moxxi has just the job for you: a good old-fashioned heist. She's looking to take control of a space station casino called The Handsome Jackpot. Should you succeed, a safe loaded with loot awaits! There's just one small problem: the casino houses an army of Hyperion security forces and...
This pack also includes a bonus 10 level cap increase. Key Features: BRING MAYHEM TO THE MOON. Feel the moon’s low gravity with every jump and stomp. Cause mayhem with new weapons equipped with ice and laser capabilities! New enemies offer a space-based twist!
Trial Names (from TrialNames_DisplayOnly.bl3hotfix), by DexManlyUnlock DLC3 Tech, by ApocalyptechWeighted Ammo Drop, by Grimm 更多子弹掉落World Drop scales with your level, by Grimm 世界掉落等级与你当前等级相同(不会出现主线中掉落装备等级过高而穿不了的情况) 6楼2022-05-28 12:14 回复 ...
2 Borderlands 3 3 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 4 Siren 5 Skags have achieved some sort of iconic status among the inhabitants of Pandora. Their name serves as a brand, and their image is used as a logo (onworkshop in). They have even made their way into Pandoran pop culture, as evid...
DLC2 The Underdome•Hell-Burbia•The Angelic Ruins•The Gully DLC3 Parched Fathoms•T-Bone Junction•The Crimson Tollway•Deep Fathoms•Moxxi's Red Light•The Ridgeway•Sunken Sea(Midgetville,World's Largest Bullet) •Lockdown Palace•Circle of Duty•Road's End•Crimson Armor...