无主之地2 Mod制..一 Mod制作基础知识所需工具:1 GibbedBorderlands2 SaveEdit,就是所谓的SE。2 能运行的无主之地2游戏。3 好用的文本编辑器,比如UE。当然记事本也行。前提:1 已开启
1,若未安装过大帝岛等第三方MOD,请先安装大帝岛MOD(理论吧和3DM论坛都有)2,已安装大帝岛的直接下载压缩包将里面的Snowlandsgunz.upk 放在以下路径:游戏安装路径 \无主之地\WillowGame\CookedPC\DLC下或者我的文档 \Documents\My Games\Borderlands\WillowGame\Published\CookedPC\DLC下推荐 我的文档下,便于管理3,将...
I ve started a last Run with a new character just to try out your mod and tbh I just get myself awesome weapons and blast everything away. Thanks for refreshing Borderlands for me LogicalClam114 25 10月 Thanks! I would make the rapid fire either slower or allow you to change the ...
The main goal of this mod was to make it so that aiming down the sights on all weapons (sans shotguns and rocket launchers) was 100% accurate. So, if you were ever frustrated that your shots weren’t hitting even though your aim was dead-on, left feeling unsatisfied by the randomness ...
How do you get legendary weapons in Borderlands 2? These legendary powerful weapons are usually dropped when you defeat a boss in Borderlands 2, so that’s pretty much where to look for them. That being said, know that they don’t always appear. If you’re really intent on grabbing one...
I’ve been lucky enough to sit down with the creator of this mod, DarkFortuneTeller, to chat about their history with modding, their process working on this project and any future plans they’ve got in store! How are you doing today DarkFortuneTeller? Why don’t you give us a quick...
No need to break your mouse. - Weapon No Ammo Cost; scales the ammo your weapons consume upon firing. 0 means infinite ammo+no reload. - Weapon Fire Interval Mod; scales the take it takes to fire your weapon. - Weapon Spread Mod; scales the spread of your weapon. - Weapon Recoil ...
- Screen Shake Resist Mod; this is intended to reduce the screen shake when firing your weapon. - Screen OnHit Scale Mod; this is intended to reduce the screen shake when you are hit with a ranged weapon (not melee). You will find some exceptions apply (e.g. scripted weapons). - Qu...
2 Borderlands 3 3 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 4 Siren 5 "Great work! Without a steady flow of cash, those bandit bastards won't be able to afford their weapons much longer. Maybe that'll keep 'em of my back and outta Fyrestone." ...
Game Borderlands 2 For the mission, see Hyperius the Invincible (mission). Hyperius The Invincible is a raid boss exclusive to Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty. Quick Answers What event led to Hyperius becoming 'The Invincible' in Borderlands 2? In Borderland...