Accessory#2:配件2(目前为止游戏中基本上这个配件不需要)Material:材料Prefix:前缀Title:称号GameStage:游戏阶段等级(和制造商等级同步)物品的具体不介绍了,请检索相关文章吧后面的 Bank:仓库界面和背包是一样的也不介绍了下面来看这次要说的重点:Raw:基础数据库这里有很多的条目我们就不一一去说了,只选大家经常用到...
无主之地2 Mod制..一 Mod制作基础知识所需工具:1 GibbedBorderlands2 SaveEdit,就是所谓的SE。2 能运行的无主之地2游戏。3 好用的文本编辑器,比如UE。当然记事本也行。前提:1 已开启
It is best to be used with the mods that add more difficulty to this game, making the game even more challenging to play. This mod is available as a standalone installation, without the need to install any additional files. It gives more chance for you to complete time-based missions in...
The Borderlands 2 Save file editor by Gibbed lets you create new save files or modify existing save data in Borderlands 2. Using the tool with the code, you can level up your Vault Hunter, add more money, skip missions, and above all add those shiny weapons to your backpack. In this a...
Installing Borderlands 2 Save Editor The Borderlands 2 Save File Editor is used by Gibbed for the creation of new files and to modify the existing data. Using this tool, you can enhance your Vault Hunter, skip missions, pass up to higher levels, and so on. Moreover, you can also add ...
无主之地1:直接买就行,目前只有一个年度版(GOTY,Game of the Year)。购买以后会出现2个游戏,不带Enhanced的是09年的原版,带Enhanced的是19年的加强版(复刻版)。后者画面和兼容性会好一些,游戏里有小地图,装备栏变成2代以后的图形界面,多了几件新装备等,并可以导入原版1代的存档(不能反过来)。但是注意一点...
Mirror of a cheat utility for editing BLTPS save files. Updated 2019. Utilities By KaptainCnucklz 1.3MB 3.3k 125.1k Unofficial Community Patch Re-Balances Many aspect of the game in order to make weak guns that you'd always toss or dont even pick up viable option. Same for Skills an...
About this game Decide the fates of altruistic scientist Anu, her ambitious, "streetwise" brother Octavio, and the fierce, frogurt-slinging Fran. Claw and con your way through five thrilling chapters! Take a stand against ruthless corporate overlords in this narrative-driven adventure!
Tools & code for use with Borderlands 2. License Zlib license 639stars143forksBranchesTagsActivity Star Notifications master 4Branches9Tags Code Folders and files e7afdaf·Sep 17, 2021 342 Commits dist Remove old private assembly path. Jun 18, 2019 ...
players, either online or local - Upgraded FOUR-PLAYER SPLIT-SCREEN for same couch gameplay - Transfer your previous generation console save files and pick up where you left off *Includes all available downloadable content for Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel as of March 24, 2015....