Borderlands 2 TEXT VIEW OF NAMES Section 0 Section 0 Axton Protagonist Krieg Protagonist Maya Protagonist Salvador Protagonist Zero Protagonist Handsome Jack Antagonist Brick Unsorted Claptrap Unsorted Crazy Earl Unsorted Deathtrap Unsorted Dr. Zed
Notes Stabby Claptraps have different names in each difficulty level: Playthrough 1: Stabby Claptrap Playthrough 2: Master Samurai Claptrap Playthrough 2 complete: Mega Samurai Claptrap Trivia All Stabby Claptraps say "Stabby! Stabby!" even when wielding boxing gloves or wooden mallets. ...
Borderlands biggest problem is that it doesn't know who its target audience is. The extent of the film's similarity to the video game series is the character names. Other than that, the film took so many creative liberties with the story that fans of the game will be confused as to wha...
Other Names Wealth RoleUnsorted FromBorderlands 2 Media Typevideo game Voiced By Tags Personality Menu Day 0Character of the Daynominations Week 0Character of the Weeknominations Month 0Character of the Monthnominations CommentGroupsVotes Fav0Up0Down0Love0Hate0 ...
to see a very clear example of the difference, launch Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and go to the main menu. As the background scene in the main menu pans around your character, you will see that the distant view of Pandora and The Moon is very blurry when DoF is On...
Tiny Tina will serve as the dungeon master, narrating the action, while changing boss attributes, locations and character names on the fly, according to IGN.The DLC was originally outed after Gearbox PR Steve Gibson was snapped sleeping in front of a 'Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep' ...
Most of all it seems as though the only that was kept from the original games are the character names and locations.Not try to gatekeep here, it's just a bad movie. It doesn't hold up even on it's own. So people who came to see the movie not knowing what its about are bound ...
Those who have played Gearbox’s video game series will surely recognize a lot of these character’s names, but there have been some indications that Roth’s adaptation will not remain completely faithful to the games. Despite this, the potential of a film franchise will still likely draw a ...
Inc. Aspyr is a registered trademark of Aspyr Media, Inc., and the Aspyr star logo is a trademark of Aspyr Media. Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their...
Character Versions [Add Version] Pg. 1 Finch Finch (Borderlands) Categories Enemy Appears in Tales from the Borderlands - Episode 2: Atlas Mugged View Corrections Link Image Finch Finch (Borderlands) Categories Enemy Appears in Tales from the Borderlands - Episode 4: Escape Plan Bravo ...