无主之地2 Mod制..一 Mod制作基础知识所需工具:1 GibbedBorderlands2 SaveEdit,就是所谓的SE。2 能运行的无主之地2游戏。3 好用的文本编辑器,比如UE。当然记事本也行。前提:1 已开启
高火属性,很高的弹匣容量 *注意(1)由于游戏BUG,无法天然生成带有天龙座标题的枪,但可以生成带有天龙座专用特殊组件的枪,实际上就有天龙座的效果(2)天龙座的标题不会显示橙色卑鄙小人 Bastard ——"TORGUE! Bastard Guns for Bastard People!" 伤害增加,但精准下降革亣命家 Revo1ution ——"Guns of the Revo1...
Enemies no longer spawn with cryo-element guns for the most part. ┗---Rationale: For enemies that are clearly cryo such as certain beasts or Heavies, being able to slow the player down isn't an issue as the player is able to easily determine that they should stay back if they want...