Each successful entry of a SHiFT code gives you five golden keys that can be exchanged for a chest that doles out epic and legendary weapons for you to use in your struggle against the bad dudes, the thing is, each SHiFT code is only relevant for one game, and will only work on one ...
This is the best place to get all the Borderlands 2 item codes, Borderlands 2 legendary weapons codes, and also Borderlands 2 gibbed weapon codes. There’s absolutely no shame in using BL2 weapon codes or making the most of the Borderlands 2 save editor weapon codes. Remember that it is n...
Combine the following ingredients to obtain the corresponding weapon type. The level of weapons you add to the Grinder are important. The newly created weapon will usually have the average of the weapon levels which were used to make it. Using three weapons from the same manufacturer usually res...
NameBody denoted RV body1 DL body2 MAL body3 EQ Tediore legendary KLR body4 AX body5 Model numberThe model number consists of the sum of the number codes for the revolver's stock and magazine. Weapons with a full stock and any magazine other than mag2 multiply this value by ...
(except that they are free), ShiFT codes grant the bearer “Golden Keys.” TheseBorderlands 3Golden Keys are used to unlock special “Golden Chests” aboard the spaceship within the game that cannot be accessed in any other way, rewarding players with high-value, legendary weapons and other ...
To use your Diamond Keys, visit the Diamond Armory, a new room located beneath the Bridge on Sanctuary III's upper deck. This room contains the alluring Diamond Chest with "Choose Wisely" inscribed on its front. On three nearby walls, you'll see neon symbols for Shields, Weapons, and Gre...
News ♦ Guides ♦ Images ♦ DLCs + Free Content ♦ Trailers ♦ SHiFT Codes ♦ The Hunt ♦ Wallpapers ♦ Borderlands 2 VR Characters Vault Hunters ♦ Axton ♦ Gaige ♦ Krieg ♦ Maya ♦ Salvador ♦ Zer0 ♦ Max Level ♦ Load Out ♦ Builds Weapons Weapon Types ...
SHiFT codes form a part of a secret reward system. They offer players valuable insights, tools, and clues that you can use to help speed up the game and get to targets more efficiently. If you’re looking for access to better weapons,more advanced skins, and equipment whileplaying Borderla...
NOTE: The chest will never spawn Pearlescent gear (Cyan in color), Legendary gear (Orange in color), E-tech weapons (Dark Violet/Magenta in color), nor Glitch weapons (Pink in color).Some codes are limited quantity, or expire after a few hours. You can bookmark and return here often ...
News Characters Guides Builds Legendary Weapons Enemies/Bosses Merchandise WallpapersLATEST UPDATES Amara – Hellzerker Build (LVL 72) – Borderlands 3 March 1, 2025 Builds What is the Best Borderlands 3 Character? February 28, 2025 Guides Borderlands 3 SHiFT Codes for Golden Keys February 27, ...