gd_weap_combat_shotgun.acc.acc4_Atlas_Hydragd_weap_revolver_pistol.acc.acc5_Atlas_Chimeragd_weap_shared_materialparts.ManufacturerMaterials.Material_Maliwan_3gd_weap_patrol_smg.Prefix.Prefix_Barrel3_Twistedgd_weap_revolver_pistol.Title.Title_Accuracy1_Viper 送TA礼物 1楼2010-01-15 18:53回复 ...
1.gd_weap_machine_pistol.mag.mag3_SandS_Thanatos(Big Tony say "Hi"!)大托尼超大弹夹[连发手枪]2.gd_weap_combat_shotgun.mag.mag2_Dahl_Bulldog(One Bad Dog)沙皮狗超大弹夹[散弹枪]3.gd_weap_patrol_smg.UniqueParts.BoneShredder_mag5(The Lead Wind Blows)每次开火打出两发子弹[SMG]刚出来那地方...
Revolver parts are fairly simple, as any combination of parts may spawn together to make a particular revolver. The only unusual feature of revolvers is the stock, which does not change the appearance of the weapon, although it (or its absence) still aff
The rarity values assigned to a gun's parts do not necessarily correspond to how much damage they can do, nor can the weapon generator account for the gun's actual performance, synergy between parts (e.g. a Carnage shotgun barrel with an elemental accessory) or lack thereof (e.g. a ...
Assault Shotgun Combat Rifle Combat Shotgun Grenade Launcher Machine Pistol Patrol SMG Repeater Pistol Revolver Pistol Rocket Launcher Semiautomatic Sniper Rifle Sniper Rifles Support Machinegun Shared Material Parts Unique Parts Weapon Parts List: ...
TK Baha : You! You take one more step and it'll be your last![ laughs and lowers the shotgun ]TK Baha : You should've seen the look on your face! 4楼2018-05-22 18:17 回复 爹地抹管布 小吵闹 1 Scooter : That Catch-A-Ride station is more busted that my momma's girly ...
gd_weap_sniper_rifle_semiauto.Barrel.barrel1_Dahl_Penetrator gd_weap_revolver_pistol.Barrel.barrel4_Dahl_Anaconda gd_weap_combat_shotgun.acc.acc4_Atlas_Hydra gd_weap_sniper_rifle.Barrel.barrel4_Jakobs_Skullmasher gd_weap_shared_materialparts.ManufacturerMaterials.Material_Atlas_3 gd_weap_...
Use your sniper rifle to pick off Scavs from a distance and clear the area before going towards pumping station towards south. At this point, Cybil will ask you to save ‘cuties’ so equip yourself with a gun with fire–damage and shotgun and take the door on the far side to get insi...
For instance, a two-shot revolver will do more damage than a six-shot revolver of the same level with the same barrel. Essentially, orange weapons modify the base gun with their specific parts and their title (which adds rarity and flavor text). Many of these descriptions may never be ...
Oaken Wolf is a boss from the Bounty of Blood DLC of Borderlands 3. It appears alongside The Quartermaster in the Materials Transport area of Bloodsun Canyon, acting as a "secondary" boss. Borderlands 3 Main article: Where It All Started Oaken Wolf will