Modded Weapon List Negating Magnificent / Pestilent Molten Infinity / Infinity Negating Infinity Nuclear Infinity Pestilent Infinity Storming Infinity Venomous Hornet The Flood Unforgiven x2 The Companion Oozing Vigorous Girth Blaster Elite Hawt
If you’ve modded Fallout 4, there’s a very high likelihood you’ve stumbled upon today’s interviewee. We’re really excited to be chatting with them as they’ve worked on a whole host of changes to everyone’s favourite post-apocalyptic title ranging from the odd bugfix here-and-there...
If you are someone who is new to thegameand wondering how your friends have all the shiny weapons in their backpacks, you are not alone. Borderlands 2 weapon codes allow you to do the same with the help of athird-partyeditor. The Borderlands 2 Save file editor by Gibbed lets you create...
Don't actually click the box next to each one. Just edit the number under Value and then reload the save. should the values change after hovering over the desired weapon? it initially starts at 36 when i start it up and when i hover over the weapon it still says 36 instead of level...
You have to use the same manufacturer parts and the same weapon type parts. Just made a account for this, but back in borderlands 1 when modding guns with willowtree if you used parts from a different manufacturer it would just throw the level out of wack and the sanity check would dele...
When Borderlands loads a savegame, it runs all the weapons and items in the savegame through a "sanity check" to make sure that the items are valid. If an item/weapon is discovered which fails the check, it is silently removed from your inventory. If you don't notice at the time and...
Held Weapon Stats: Fire rate, accuracy, damage, and projectiles of your held weapon (does not edit the item itself). Reload Timer: Useful for slowing down to get a good gif of those Jakobs revolver reloads, mmm boy. Raw Item Data: Lets you edit an item's level and values, save and...
Max parts ive gotten on a weapon/item is 63 anytime i got to 64 the weapon disappear and the item glitches out. [Link] [Link] Big thanks to everyone making tables I'm reaching the same conclusion, was able to get to 63 components and 15 anointments. If I try to go above 63 ...
So I looked at a modded item and decided to see if I could change the same thing on the same item, but I'm crashing everytime. If it worked for someone, there's still a chance to fail for someone else right? just making sure, I've read everything and watched etc and I haven'...