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The file Save Pack with modded guns is a modification for Borderlands 3, a(n) action game. Download for free. File Size: 7.3 MB
Did it save like that after reloading the game? If I try to edit the level then it just reverts back to a modded level after reloading the save. Top Chris5302 Noobzor Posts:9 Joined:Wed Sep 18, 2019 3:06 am Reputation:0 Re: Borderlands 3 +14 ...
Does anyone have a save file with an awesome modded Night Hawkin? It's one of my fav SMG's and would like to have it modded. Thanks in advance. Top thecordismarki Noobzor Posts: 5 Joined: Sun Sep 22, 2019 12:18 am Reputation: 0 Re: Borderlands 3 +14 0 Post by thecordisma...
Although it can get tedious at times, just save and quit your game, then come back and hope for better luck. How do you get modded weapons in Borderlands 2? Not long ago, the Borderlands 2 Unofficial Community Patch finally landed for all involved gamers, with over 450 changes and fixes...
but outside of "build" things like the items and character save/skills, most values get reset when you launch unmodded (like inventory/bank slots and modified stats get reset for example). hot pancakes wrote: ↑ Mon Jul 05, 2021 7:23 amDo you think this could be possible with skill ...
I’ll share mine I don’t just have weps modded thou Got shield/artifact/class mod/gernade mod and a wep modded will be making another mad mod today because current on causes some people’s game to lock up and die And I’ll prob mod the Elon musk flame thrower Then I’ll put it...
So I looked at a modded item and decided to see if I could change the same thing on the same item, but I'm crashing everytime. If it worked for someone, there's still a chance to fail for someone else right? just making sure, I've read everything and watched etc and I haven'...