Cf. Sarah Scuzzarello and Catarina Kinnvall (2013), ´Rebordering France and Denmark Narratives and Practices of Border Construction in Two European Countries,´ Mobilities 8, no. 1, pp. 90-106; Karmen Erjavec and Melita Poler Kovačič (2009), ´New configuration of borders new ...
Likewise, Nilmini Fernando (2017) names Direct Provision as a form of racialised incarceration as the majority of the residents are from African countries, mirroring a larger pattern in Western necropolitical migration policies. Bordering and Access to Reproductive Healthcare Since residents in ...
Denmark succeeded in making the country highly unattractive as a destination for refugees fleeing war torn countries. The country introduced a controversial 'jewellery bill', placed adverts in a newspaper in Lebanon dissuading refugees from contemplating a trip to Denmark, and cut assistance benefits ...
Indeed it is not uncommon for another type of human flow – daily commutes – to occur between countries such as Denmark and Sweden or 3Luxembourg and Belgium (=-=Mathä and Wintr 2009-=-). With this being the case, we might expect internal migration and international migration in these...