属性 border-top-style 1.0 5.5 1.0 1.0 9.2属性值值描述 none 定义无边框。 hidden 与"none" 相同。不过应用于表时除外,对于表,hidden 用于解决边框冲突。 dotted 定义点状边框。在大多数浏览器中呈现为实线。 dashed 定义虚线。在大多数浏览器中呈现为实线。 solid 定义实线。 double 定义双线。双线的宽度等于...
none: 默认无边框 dotted: 定义一个点线边框 dashed: 定义一个虚线边框 solid: 定义实线边框 double: 定义两个边框。 两个边框的宽度和 border-width 的值相同 groove: 定义3D沟槽边框。效果取决于边框的颜色值 ridge: 定义3D脊边框。效果取决于边框的颜色值 ...
// tailwind.config.jsmodule.exports = {theme: {borderRadius: {'none': '0',-'sm': '0.125rem',-default: '0.25rem',+default: '4px',-'md': '0.375rem',-'lg': '0.5rem',-'full': '9999px',+'large': '12px',}}} Responsive and pseudo-class variants ...
It is similar to https://weekly.ci.jenkins.io/design-library/Spacing/ but takes more the way https://tailwindcss.com/docs/border-width works e.g. jenkins-border-t-3 will create a top border of 3 px follow up pr will be created for https://weekly.ci.jenkins.io/design-library ...
CSS | border-top-style Property h3.a{border-top-style:double;}GeeksforGeeks 输出: Hidden:用于使顶部边框不可见,如none,除非表格元素的边框冲突解决。 句法: border-top-style:hidden; 示例10 CSS | border-top-style Property h3.a{border-top-style:hidden;}GeeksforGeeks ...
FYI - Not MDB - Tailwinds Elements. Form won't allow that value. Expected behavior being able to style these borders of active/focused fields. Hiding the goofy blue ring. :) Actual behavior borders of fields have BOTH our styles AND the browser blue border somehow. ...
圆角border-radius属性的4个方位顺序依次是左上top-left、右上top-right、右下bottom-right、左下bottom-left border-radius:30px;border-radius:30px 30px 30px 30px; Tailwind中使用.rounded-前缀的工具类来设置border-radius属性。 边框宽度(border width) ...
And it's IMO the absolute easiest to understand and maintain. Also, I only need a dashed top border, nothing else. The only major con is that it's not responsive. But it's easy to handle responsiveness using TailwindCSS which I'm using. Also, I'm using Next.js/React so for this ...
rounded-none border-radius: 0; rounded-full border-radius: calc(infinity * 1px); rounded-(<custom-property>) border-radius: var(<custom-property>); Show more Examples Basic example Use utilities likerounded-smandrounded-mdto apply different border radius sizes to an element: ...