tailwindcss-gradient-border A Tailwind CSS plugin for automatically styling gradient borderUnlike other related Tailwind plugins, this plugin allows you to specify the gradient border size or gradient colors directly in the CSS with transparent background.Installation...
By default Tailwind provides five border radius size utilities. You can change, add, or remove these by editing thetheme.borderRadiussection of your Tailwind config. // tailwind.config.jsmodule.exports = {theme: {borderRadius: {'none': '0',-'sm': '0.125rem',-default: '0.25rem',+default...
Tailwind CSS - Border Radius - Tailwind CSS Border Radius consists of predefined classes used to round the corners of elements. These classes apply different levels of rounding, ranging from no rounding to fully rounded corners.
npm itailwindcss-border-gradient-radius Repository github.com/batistein/tailwindcss-border-gradient-radius Homepage github.com/batistein/tailwindcss-border-gradient-radius Weekly Downloads 1,490 Version 3.0.1 License MIT Unpacked Size 39.8 kB
This is how I made a dotted border (round dots) with custom spacing in css: .div-with-bottom-border { background-position: bottom; background-size: 12px 2px; background-repeat: repeat-x; background-image: radial-gradient(circle, black 1px, white 1px); } Share Improve this answer Fo...
fontSize, border: `1px solid ${colors.border}`, }} > ... ); } 如本示例所示,可以在CSS-in-JS样式中同时使用 JS 常量(例如 colors )和 React Props/state (例如 fontSize )。 在样式中使用 JS 常量的能力在某些情况下可以降低重复,因为同一个常量不需要同时定义为CSS变量和 JS 常量。 使用props...
fontSize, border: `1px solid ${colors.border}`, }} > ... ); } 如本示例所示,可以在CSS-in-JS样式中同时使用 JS 常量(例如 colors )和 React Props/state (例如 fontSize )。 在样式中使用 JS 常量的能力在某些情况下可以降低重复,因为同一个常量不需要同时定义为CSS变量和 JS 常量。 使用props...