Preview the next Tailwind CSS. Borders Utilities for controlling the border radius of an element. Quick reference Class Properties rounded-noneborder-radius:0px; rounded-smborder-radius:0.125rem;/* 2px */ roundedborder-radius:0.25rem;/* 4px */ ...
Tailwind CSS - Border Radius - Tailwind CSS Border Radius consists of predefined classes used to round the corners of elements. These classes apply different levels of rounding, ranging from no rounding to fully rounded corners.
Tailwind中使用.rounded-前缀的工具类来设置border-radius属性。 边框宽度(border width) 边框大小 边框方位 边框颜色(border color) 边框透明度(border opacity) 边框样式(border style) border style
npm install tailwindcss-border-gradient-radius yarn add tailwindcss-border-gradient-radius Usage Simple {theme: extend:{linearBorderGradients:({theme})=>({colors:{'light-blue':[colors.indigo[200],colors.lime[300]],},background:theme('colors'),}),plugins:[require('tailwindcss-border-gradient-...
border-radiustailwindcsstailwindcss-plugin UpdatedJan 6, 2023 JavaScript elharony/Border-Radius-Generator Star23 Code Issues Pull requests A CSS3 Border Radius Generator; Get the best border-radius playground, with a minimalist design! javascriptcsshtmlgeneratorvanilla-javascriptwebappborder-radius ...
Is there, or could there be a more semantic way to describe a border radius as being round rather than some current conventions? From TailwindCSS: .rounded-full { border-radius: 9999px; } From an accepted StackOverflow answer: #rect { border-radius: 100000000000000px; } Other examples ...
Border-radius Previewer是一个使用Vue.js和Tailwind CSS构建的网络应用程序,允许用户预览和生成用于border-radius属性的CSS代码。用户可以为框的每个角输入不同的border-radius值,并实时预览形状。这个应用程序提供了直观的界面,使用户能够轻松地调整边框圆角,以满足其设计需求,并即时获取相应的CSS代码。The Border-...
// tailwind.config.jsmodule.exports = {corePlugins:{// ...+borderWidth:false,}} ←Border RadiusBorder Color→
CSS3 border-top-right-radius 属性 实例 为div元素的右上角添加一个圆角边框: div { border:2px solid; border-top-right-radius:2em; } 尝试一下 » 浏览器支持 表格中的数字表示支持该属性的第一个浏览器版本号。 紧跟在 -webkit-, -ms- 或 -m
border-bottom-left-radius 属性定义左下角边框的形状。提示: 这个属性允许你添加元素的圆角边框!默认值: 0 继承: no 版本: CSS3 JavaScript 语法: object"5px"语法border-bottom-left-radius: length|% [length|%];...