While longwall technology is a relative lead, in underground coal exploitation and bord and pillar or its variant the room and pillar continue to hold its sway, in the underground arena. Of the current global coal production of around 4000 Mt, the share of underground production is about 65%...
Underground coal miningDilationConvergenceUltimate induced stress and cavingInstrumentation and monitoring is undertaken aiming at evaluation of changing values of rock mechanic parameters, namely, dilation, load, convergence, and stress, during mining for a safe strata......
aFire is of major concern to those who work in underground coal mines. It is important to have a warning system that is capable of detecting fire and generating an alarm. In this paper, we present the design of an early warning system in a “Bord & Pillar” coal mine. It uses Wireless...
Report. 79F, 18T, 120R: Oravecz, KI Coll. Res. Lab. Cham. Mines, ZA Chamber of Mines of South Africa, Res. Report No 40–73 Oct. 1973, 224Pdoi:10.1016/0148-9062(75)91150-XELSEVIERInternational Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts...
underground miningminesIn this paper a method is outlined for the determination of stress and displacement distributions in bord and pillar workings of coal mines. The method is based on elastic theory: a linear elastic medium and a simple linear relationship for the compression of the seam are ...
Roof fall is one of the major problems of the bord and pillar coal mines during the depillaring phase. Roof fall not only causes considerable damage to the mining equipment but also to the miners. To keep in view, development of software is essential for the calculation of roof fall risk...
A handy objective model for prediction of spontaneous fire risk potential of underground panels in bord and pillar method of working is presented in this paper. It describes vividly the fire risk indexing technique applied to each of the mining parameters that influence underground spontaneous fire ...
This study is mainly focused to predict a critical strata movement value for safety of the bord and pillar method of mining, perticularly depillaring.doi:10.1007/s12517-019-4381-5Jena, Satyabadi KumarNatl Inst Technol RaipurLokhande, Ritesh Dharmraj...
Coal pillar information gathered from a worldwide review was subjected to statistical analysis and a method for the assessment of stability, linking factor of safety to time, subsidence to rock mass rating and the extent of surface subsidence to peak pillar vertical stress was developed for ...
Exploration of mining method for coal extraction in developed bord and pillar property by powered support long wall equipment - ScienceDirectCable boltingYield/bleed pressurePowered supportInduced blastingConvergence indicatorBore hole extensometerNumerical modelingRoof stitching...