If you want to travel with less tourist, best time to visit Boracay is around January to early March, before the peak season. August to November is low season, due to the rainy season and typhoons in the Philippines, but prices can be pretty low during this season, so if you want to...
Boracay Adventures Travel N Tours is Travellers Choice in 2022 - 2024 and they have been awarded Certificate of Excellent in 2017 - 2020. The company specialises in Boracay Activities in the island such as Island-Hopping Adventure, Sea Sports Adventure, Adventure Activi...
VIAJE Philippines is your travel buddy. An accredited travel agency by the Department of Tourism (DOT), VIAJE is based in Boracay Island, Philippines, and has been in business since 2009.
Klookis Asia’s leading platform for experiences and travel services. We curate quality experiences ranging from attractions and tours to local transport and experiential stays, in over 2,700 destinations globally. Founded in 2014, we are here to inspire and enable more moments of joy for travel...
Boracay, one of the best beaches in the world is now once again open to the public after six months of temporary closure. TheBoracay Inter-Agency Task Forcecomposed of theDepartment of Interior and Local Government(DILG),Department of Environment and Natural Resources(DENR), and the Department ...
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