The examples below demonstrate how to use these functions in practice. How to test the significance of a mediation effect ( Bootstrapping a Single Statistic The code below demonstrates how to compute the standard error for the R-squared of a simple linear regression model: se...
Bootstrapping is a nonparametric procedure that allows testing the statistical significance of various PLS-SEM results such path coefficients, Cronbach’s alpha, HTMT, and R² values. Brief Description PLS-SEM does not assume that the data is normally distributed, which implies that parametric sign...
According to simulation results, the R-squared-bootstrapping method performs excellently in detecting Gegenbauer-type processes (e.g. with long memory behavior associated with frequencies $$f\\in (0,0.5]$$) while at the same time controlling observed significance levels. The R-squared-bootstrap...
What is this number's significance? Thanks in advance, Regards, Neeraj My code is below: program indireff, rclass sem (MV <- IV CV1 CV2 CV3 CV4 ) (DV <- MV IV CV1 CV2 CV3 CV4) estat teffects mat bi = r(indirect) mat bd = r(direct) mat bt = r(total) return scalar ...
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For each participant at each timepoint, the average beta value for each task condition was extracted from the top 100 activated voxels (t value regardless of significance) within each tasks’ ROI mask. For the semantic task, top voxels were extracted from within the pMTG anatomical mask ...
We are more interested in getting stable estimates of the beta coefficients than we are concerned with their significance values. I'm not sure if it is possible to bootstrap the coefficients themselves in mplus or if there is an alternative resampling procedure we could conduct. Thanks Tiho...
(illustrated in Fig.1) complicates the analysis of such patterns and the evaluation of their statistical significance. IGC measures the degree of departure from uniformity in the distribution of positional information content across a motif, without any assumptions on the particular shape of such ...
for some significance threshold (e.g., \(\alpha = 0.99\)), configuration \(\theta \) is dropped. A few comments on the procedure above. It is a heuristic procedure mainly with focus on computational efficiency, not statistical theoretical properties. Ideally, the null hypothesis to test for...
This striking jump suggests that the value ∆ψ ≈ 1.27 has special significance. We discuss possible interpretations below. At the least, we can conclude that any CFT with a fermionic operator of dimension ∆ψ 1.27 must have a relevant parity-odd scalar in the ψ×ψ OPE. Conversely, ...