代码语言:txt 复制 // custom.scss // 引入Bootstrap的变量文件 @import '~bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss'; // 自定义主题颜色 $primary: #ff0000; // 替换为你想要的颜色 // 编译Bootstrap @import '~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss'; 在你的Vue组件中,使用标签引入自定义的SCSS文件: 代码语言:txt ...
左对齐 text-center 中对齐 text-right 右对齐 字体颜色减轻 text-muted text-primary 颜色 tex...
Utilities API Color utilities are declared in our utilities API inscss/_utilities.scss.Learn how to use the utilities API. "color":(property:color,class:text,values:map-merge($theme-colors,("white":$white,"body":$body-color,"muted":$text-muted,"black-50":rgba($black,.5),"white-50"...
Use Bootstrap’s custom button styles for actions in forms, dialogs, and more with support for multiple sizes, states, and more.
Gray and brand colors for use across Bootstrap. @gray-base @gray-darker @gray-dark @gray @gray-light @gray-lighter @brand-primary @brand-success @brand-info @brand-warning @brand-danger Scaffolding Settings for some of the most global styles. ...
Color utilities are declared in our utilities API inscss/_utilities.scss.Learn how to use the utilities API. "color":(property:color,class:text,local-vars:("text-opacity":1),values:map-merge($utilities-text-colors,("muted":$text-muted,//deprecated"black-50":rgba($black,.5),//deprecated...
So to be safe, in addition to aria-disabled="true", also include a tabindex="-1" attribute on these links to prevent them from receiving keyboard focus, and use custom JavaScript to disable their functionality altogether.Primary link Link ...
Gray and brand colors for use across Bootstrap. @gray-base @gray-darker @gray-dark @gray @gray-light @gray-lighter @brand-primary @brand-success @brand-info @brand-warning @brand-danger Scaffolding Settings for some of the most global styles. ...
可以用type属性更改Navbar上的文本颜色。 Navbar的background-color也可以用variant属性来改变。这些颜色可以是任何正常的Bootstrap默认颜色 ——info、primary、success等。 另一个是b-navbar-brand组件。这是可以呈现网站徽标的地方。它还包含variant和type属性,它们可以分别用于改变background-color和text-color。
Nearly all of Bootstrap's JavaScript plugins feature a first-class data API, allowing you to use JavaScript just by adding data attributes. Dropdown Dropdown Dropdown item Dropdown item Dropdown item