Starts off stacked like default s, but when the navbar expands, so do these. Description lists A description list is perfect for defining terms. Euismod Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Male...
Forks switch to list view twbs / bootstrap 2bj / bootstrap 3den / bootstrap 80beans / bootstrap aandr / bootstrap AaronAsAChimp / bootstrap abdul / bootstrap abie / bootstrap abija / bootstrap abombss / bootstrap abordin / bootstrap ...
Uses ors to createactionablelist group items with hover, disabled, and active states by adding.list-group-item-action. We separate these pseudo-classes to ensure list groups made of non-interactive elements (likes ors) don’t provide a click or tap affordance. Be sure tonot use the ...
$('#table').bootstrapTable({//请求后台的URL(*)url:'queryTableList',//请求方式(*)method:'GET',//请求数据的格式dataType:"json",//工具按钮用哪个容器// toolbar: '#toolbar',//是否显示行间隔色striped:true,//当数据为 undefined 时显示的字符undefinedText:"无",//是否使用缓存,默认为true,所...
list-ul lock lock-fill luggage luggage-fill lungs lungs-fill magic magnet magnet-fill mailbox mailbox-flag mailbox2 mailbox2-flag map map-fill markdown markdown-fill marker-tip mask mastodon medium megaphone megaphone-fill memory menu-app menu-app-fill ...
mr-auto类可以设置子元素右外边距为auto=margin-right: auto!important; ml-auto类可以设置子元素左外边距为auto=margin-left: auto!important; 弹性容器中包裹子元素可以使用以下三个类:.flex-nowrap (默认), .flex-wrap 或 .flex-wrap-reverse。设置 flex 容器是单行或者多行。
Fixed RequireJS bug. Thanks toStaticSphere. ver 1.1: Added new skin. class: .skin-black Addedpaceplugin. To Do List: More features Ajax version More skins Documentation Image Credits: pixeden graphicsfuel ajaxload pickaface Packages No packages published...
dhcp,"AT+DHCP - dhcp\n"}, {"AT+DHCPS",3, at_setup_dhcps,"AT+DHCPS - dhcps\n"}, };for(int i=0; i<sizeof(cmd_list)/sizeof(cmd_tbl_t); i++) { console_cmd_add(&cmd_list[i]); } }SYS_SERVICE_INIT(RegisterCustomATCmd);1.3 链接脚本中增加zInit代码段 适...
left"href="#">Introduce oneselfAs a motto goes"attitude is everything".IfIgetthisjob,Iwill put all my heartinit andtrymy best todoit well. 生成一个媒体对象,你需要创建一个包含media类的标签;然后你需要放入两个必要的部件:媒体本身(这里是一张图片)和media-body。 如程序片段所示,媒体需要包含一个...
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