Similar to the contextual text color classes, easily set the background of an element to any contextual class. Anchor components will darken on hover, just like the text classes. Background utilitiesdo not setcolor, so in some cases you’ll want to use.text-*utilities. ...
The classes for text colors are:.text-muted,.text-primary,.text-success,.text-info,.text-warning,.text-danger,.text-secondary,.text-white,.text-dark,.text-body(default body color/often black) and.text-light: Example This text is muted. ...
Similar to the contextual text color classes, easily set the background of an element to any contextual class. Anchor components will darken on hover, just like the text classes. Background utilitiesdo not setcolor, so in some cases you’ll want to use.text-*utilities. ...
"color": ( property: color, class: text, local-vars: ( "text-opacity": 1 ), values: map-merge( $utilities-text-colors, ( "muted": $text-muted, // deprecated "black-50": rgba($black, .5), // deprecated "white-50": rgba($white, .5), // deprecated "body-secondary": var(...
只有在多个变体之间有多个样式需要更改的情况下,才应当使用修饰符类(modifier class)。修饰符类并非总是必需的,因此请确保只有在能够实际减少代码数量并防止不必要的样式覆盖的情况下才去创建新的修饰符类。theme color classes 和 size variants 是对于修饰符类最好的示例。
.text-hide将页面元素所包含的文本内容替换为背景图尝试一下 .close显示关闭按钮尝试一下 .caret显示下拉式功能尝试一下 更多实例 关闭图标 使用通用的关闭图标来关闭模态框和警告框。使用 classclose得到关闭图标。 实例 关闭图标实例× 尝试一下 » 结果如下所示: aria-hidden="true"主要是帮助残障人士(如失明)...
包括大部分表单控件、文本输入域控件,还支持所有 HTML5 类型的输入控件: text、password、datetime、datetime-local、date、month、time、week、number、email、url、search、tel 和color。 必须添加类型声明 只有正确设置了 type 属性的输入控件才能被赋予正确的样式。 Copy 输入控件组 如需在文本输入域 前面或后面...
The Bootstrap 4 classes below can be added to style HTML elements further:ClassDescriptionExample .font-weight-bold Bold text Try it .font-weight-bolder Bolder text Try it .font-italic Italic text Try it .font-weight-light Light weight text Try it .font-weight-lighter Lighter weight text ...
Left aligned text. Center aligned text. Right aligned text. Emphasis classes Convey meaning through color with a handful of emphasis utility classes. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris nibh. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna...
Bootstrap Table表头添加背景色,可以通过theadClasses属性设置表头样式。 设置theadClasses属性 没设置theadClasses属性时候,背景色默认是白色 bootstrap背景颜色设置 .bg-primary 主要的 .bg-success 成功 .bg-info 信息 .bg-warning 警告 .bg-danger 危险