title: '操作', formatter: function (value, row) { return '<a class="onclick" style="cursor:pointer">' + '详情' + '</a>'; }, events: onclickEvent } window.onclickEvent = { 'click .onclick': function (e, value, row, index) { $("#alarmModal").modal('show'); //添加关于...
formatter: function (value, row) { return '<a class="onclick" style="cursor:pointer">' + '详情' + '</a>';},events: onclickEvent } window.onclickEvent = { 'click .onclick': function (e, value, row, index) { $("#alarmModal").modal('show');//添加关于弹框内容详情 al...
clickEvent();//绑定表格中的按钮事件 //点击查询 $('button.query').on("click", function() { refreshTable(); clickEvent(); }); $('button.add').on('click',function(){ location.href = '/create'; }); }); function clickEvent(){ $('#table').on('click','.js-delete',function()...
onDblClickRow(row, $element, field)当双击击某一行时触发(参数同上) dbl-click-row.bs.table onClickCell(field, value, row, $element)当点击某一个单元格时触发(单击的单元格对应的字段名|该单元格的数据值|对应于单击行的记录|td元素) click-cell.bs.table onDblClickCell(field, value, row, $element)...
Hi guys, I'm trying to use event row-clicked to fill some props when click on a b-table row. Tried to find an example on google but without success. How can I use this event? I'm currently using a button for this, but I want to change it. ...
jQuery Event:dbl-click-cell.bs.table Parameter:field, value, row, $element Detail: It fires when the user double click a cell. The parameters contain: field: the field name corresponding to the clicked cell. value: the data value corresponding to the clicked cell. ...
function operatFrom(value,row,index){ //return "<a href='javascript:;' οnclick='editRow(event)'>编辑</a> <a href='javascript:;' οnclick='deleteRow(event)'>删除</a>"; return [ '<a type="button" class="edit" style="margin-right:15px;">编辑</button>', ...
调用BootStrap Table事件的方法: $('#table').bootstrapTable({onEventName: function (arg1, arg2, ...){ } }) $('#table').on('event-name.bs.table', function (e, arg1, arg2, ...) { }) 例如: $('#table').on('click-row.bs.table', function (e, arg1, arg2, ...) { ...
“click #deleteTable” 点击#deleteTable button按钮,触发对应的事件,可以传四个参数e, value, row...: "table table-bordered table-striped", showToggle: true, //是否显示详细视图和列表视图的切换按钮...operateEvents 事件 继续写operateEvents 事件,点编辑按钮弹出模态框编辑,点删除按钮弹出删除确认模态框 ...
Hi everyone, I have a b-table (to display a list of records of course) in which I use the @row-clicked event to open the form view of the clicked record. I also use a column with b-form-checkbox to be able to select several lines (becaus...