Column width adjustment bootstrap-table-resizable.js does not take effect when the table height is set, and there are problems when fixedColumns == true. It is recommended to add judgment and handle in the initResizable function: var initFixedColumns = function() { if (that.options.fixedColu...
表格参数 表格的参数定义在 jQuery.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults。 名称 标签 类型 默认 描述 - data-toggle String 'table' 不用写 JavaScript 直接启用表格。 classes data-classes
bootstrap-table: bootstrap-table-fiex-column: 参考来源: 1.引入文件 2. bootstrap-table有两种方式,html、js 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1...
ElementUI 实现el-table 列宽自适应 如果没有给el-table-column指定宽度,默认情况下会平均分配给剩余的列。在列数比较多的情况,如果el-table宽度限定在容器内,单元格里的内容就会换行。...产品想要的效果是:内容保持单行显示,列间距保持一致,表格超出容器允许水平滚动。el-table-column是支持设置固定宽度的,在内容宽...
Reset the Bootstrap Table view, for example reset the table height, the params contain: height: the height of the table. Example:Reset View resetWidth Parameter:undefined Detail: Resizes header and footer to fit current columns width.
return 'This field needs to start width $.' } var data = $table.bootstrapTable('getData'), index = $(this).parents('tr').data('index'); console.log(data[index]); return ''; } }, footerFormatter: totalPriceFormatter }, {
width: '100px', }, { field: 'ParentName', title: '上级部门', }, { field: 'Level', title: '部门级别' }, { field: 'Desc', title: '描述' }, ] }); }; //得到查询的参数 oTableInit.queryParams = function (params) {
column(@columns; @gutter: @grid-gutter-width) { position: relative; // Prevent columns from collapsing when empty min-height: 1px; // Inner gutter via padding padding-left: (@gutter / 2); padding-right: (@gutter / 2); // Calculate width based on number of columns available @media (...
To reproduce it, just use the example above, resize the preview so the column width is larger then the viewport. Now you should see the third scrollbar at the bottom of the. djhvscf self-assigned this Oct 1, 2020 UtechtDustin mentioned this issue Oct 3, 2020 .fixed-table-loading元素...
Bootstrap Table 1.23.5 1 Oct 2024 Core New:AddedgetFooterDatamethod. Update:Fixedrefreshinvalid url bug whenurlis relative path. Update:FixedgetDatabug withformattedparam. Update:Fixed column class option not work bug in td. Bootstrap Table 1.23.4 ...