--引入bootstrap.addtabs.js--> index.html页面结构未变,更改页面元素的样式,其中sidebar部分修改微小,大致如下 下的 改为 1234 Tables5678910111213
首先我们在初始化菜单的那个做如下更改,在sidebar-menu.js文件改成这样 (function($){$.fn.sidebarMenu=function(options){options=$.extend({},$.fn.sidebarMenu.defaults,options||{});vartarget=$(this);target.addClass('nav');target.addClass('nav-list');if(options.data){init(target,options.data)...
'li.dropdown.active').addClass('open'); // Open submenu if active $('.sidebar-nav').find('li.dropdown.open ul').css("display","block"); // Change active menu $(".sidebar-nav > li").click(function(){ $(".sidebar-nav > li"...
a.attr('href', '#'); a.addClass('dropdown-toggle'); var arrow = $(''); arrow.addClass('arrow').addClass('icon-angle-down'); a.append(arrow); li.append(a); var menus = $(' menus.addClass('submenu'); init(menus, item.menus); li.append(menus); } else { var href = '...
Dropdown submenu could be done with: .nav li.dropdown ul.dropdown-menu li:HOVER ul { display:block; position:absolute; left:100%; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; } .nav li.dropdown ul.dropdown-menu ul { display: none; float:right; position...
ul>LoginLogin Page 1
The .dropdown class indicates a dropdown menu.To open the dropdown menu, use a button or a link with a class of .dropdown-toggle and the data-toggle="dropdown" attribute.The .caret class creates a caret arrow icon (), which indicates that the button is a dropdown....
Changing Bootstrap Dropdown Menu Direction: Upward Expansion Instead of Downward, Changing the Direction of a Bootstrap Dropdown Submenu to 'Dropup': A Guide, Content obscured by Bootstrap's dropdown menu
So let us say we need a right coordinated Bootstrap Sidebar Submenu having several information within it and a principal page to the left of it. We have to set the grid tier down to what we wish to maintain this arrangement prior to the sidebar and the basic web content stack around ...