.navbar-default .navbar-nav> .disabled >a:hover, .navbar-default .navbar-nav> .disabled >a:focus { color: #ccc; background-color: transparent; } 为导航条添加标题、二级菜单及状态 加入导航条标题 在Web页面制作中,常常在菜单前面都会有一个标题(文字字号比其它文字稍大一些),其实在Bootstrap框架...
1、主要进行了内部区域的划分,如:head、其他区域;以及导航条位置的定位 2、折叠器实现(在4.0已移除),也就是navbar-collapse类,代替的是collapse,在按钮上面弹出隐藏层 2.1、Navbar-collapse:在大于breakpoint时,会强制显示(由于collapse默认是隐藏的) 3、内容支持nav、brand、form、toggler 4、Navbar-toggler(4.0移...
labelledby="navbarDropdown"> <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action</a></li> <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Another action</a></li> <li><hr class="dropdown-divider"></li> <li><a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Something else here</a></li> </ul> <...
<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1" aria-expanded="false"> <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"><...
排列导航条中的组件时可以使用这些工具类:.navbar-left 或.navbar-right。 参见导航条文档以获取更多信息。 让内容块居中 为任意元素设置 display: block 属性并通过 margin 属性让其中的内容居中。下面列出的类还可以作为 mixin 使用。 Copy <div class="center-block">...</div> Copy // Class .center-blo...
Build around the jumbotron with a navbar and some basic grid columns. Narrow jumbotron Build a more custom page by narrowing the default container and jumbotron. 导航条实例 导航条 包含导航条和一起附加内容的超级基础的模板。 静态导航条 包含一个静态导航条以及一些附加内容的超级基础的模板。
Build around the jumbotron with a navbar and some basic grid columns. Narrow jumbotron Build a more custom page by narrowing the default container and jumbotron. 导航条实例 导航条 包含导航条和一起附加内容的超级基础的模板。 静态导航条 包含一个静态导航条以及一些附加内容的超级基础的模板。
As of v3.1.0, we've deprecated .pull-right on dropdown menus. To right-align a menu, use .dropdown-menu-right. Right-aligned nav components in the navbar use a mixin version of this class to automatically align the menu. To override it, use .dropdown-menu-left. <ul class="dropdo...
While button classes can be used on <a> and <button> elements, only <button> elements are supported within our nav and navbar components. Links acting as buttons If the <a> elements are used to act as buttons – triggering in-page functionality, rather than navigating to another document ...
Add new $navbar-dark-icon-color Sass variable Removed duplicate $alert Sass variables Added a new variable for $vr-border-width to customize the vertical rule helper width Documentation: Added search to our homepage Improved responsive behavior on Dashboard example Improved dark mode rendering of...