docs: update angular.json config file (#4512) (85faa47) dropdown: fix view destroyed error (#5205) (8cf98c2) positioning: fix errors on invalid position (#5212) (e790196) stackblitz: add carousel correct links, datepicker locales, remove link from accessibility (#5176) (caff954) tests:...
Bootstrap is still compatible with Angular v12, if your application is compiled in Ivy-renderer mode; In v7.1 we have added a support for Bootstrap 5 and in v8 it has become the default, you are able to continue use Bootstrap 4 if needed; Support for Bootstrap 3 has been discontinued... Launch demo modal Press Tab - first element in the modal container gets the focus - focus is trapped ✔ Keep pressing Tab - focus is looped ✔ Press Shift + Tab - focus is going to a previous elem...