Read our getting started guidesGet a jump on including Bootstrap's source files in a new project with our official guides.Webpack Parcel Vite Customize
-- jQuery (Bootstrap 的所有 JavaScript 插件都依赖 jQuery,所以必须放在前边) --><!-- 加载 Bootstrap 的所有 JavaScript 插件。你也可以根据需要只加载单个插件。 -->
JS You can also use the CDN to fetch any of ouradditional builds listed in the Contents page. Next steps Read a bit more about someimportant global environment settingsthat Bootstrap utilizes. ...
bootstrap.bundle.js ├── ├── bootstrap.bundle.min.js ├── ├── bootstrap.esm.js ├── ├── bootstrap.esm.min.js ├── ├── bootstrap.js ├── ...
Respond.js 不支持通过@import指令所引入的 CSS 文件。例如,Drupal 一般被配置为通过@import指令引入CSS文件,Respond.js 对其将无法起到作用。请参考Respond.js 文档获取更多信息。 Internet Explorer 8 与 box-sizing 属性 当box-sizing: border-box;与min-width、max-width、min-height或max-height一同使用时,IE...
├── bootstrap.bundle.min.js ├── ├── bootstrap.esm.js ├── ├── bootstrap.esm.min.js ├── ├── bootstrap.js ├── ├── bootstrap.min.js └── bootstrap.min.js.... ├── js/ │ ├── bootstrap.js │ └── bootstrap.min.js └── fonts/ ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf ├── glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff └── glyphicons-halflings-...
You will get an excellent dashboard and 7 page templates with this version. It will also include 10+ IU components and table examples. They also integrated Google Maps into Pixel Admin lite, including HTML, JS, and CSS files. Add a personalized profile page and a live demo to this, and...
If you see the JavaScript error that says, "uncaught error: bootstrap's javascript requires jquery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 3", that means you have bootstrap version 3.3 or lower on your website . Follow the instructions to fix it.
Documentation Huge, detailed documentation available online Supported browsers MDBootstrap supports thelatest, stable releasesof all major browsers and platforms. Alternative browsers which use the latest version of WebKit, Blink, or Gecko, whether directly or via the platform’s web view...