Navbar icons, and some edit page icons are not loading. Example error: "Failed to load /lib/tpl/bootstrap3/iconify.php?prefix=mdi&icons=content-save,arrow-left:1 resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()"
Color:组件的颜色,可选值有None / Active / Primary / Secondary / Success / Danger / Warning / Info / Light / Dark / Link。 Icon:组件的图标,可以直接写FontAwasome4.7的图标类,如Icon="fa fa-home"。 LoadingIcon:异步加载时的图标,默认值为fa fa-fw fa-spin fa-spinner,此图标配合IsAsync属性使用。
Released: 5.8.0 Updated: 6.0.0 Icons in Action Ever wonder what “bootstrap” might look like in the mix? Well, you're in luck! We've cooked up some examples of how you could use the “bootstrap” icon in your projects, whether they're apps, interfaces, or print designs. ...
//提示边框颜色borderWidth: 1,//提示边框宽度borderStyle: "solid",//提示边框样式loadingTips: "Loading, please wait...",//提示文本TipsColor: "#666",//提示颜色delayTime: 1000,//页面加载完成后,加载页面渐出速度zindex: 999,//loading页面层次sleep: 0//设置挂起,等于0时则无需挂起}var...
PinnedLoading bootstrapbootstrapPublic The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. JavaScript171k78.9k iconsiconsPublic Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap.
{data:data,// data is not optionallevels:2,showTags:true,loadingIcon:"fa fa-hourglass",//懒加载过程中显示的沙漏字符图标lazyLoad:loaddata//loaddata为点击懒加载节点目录时,运行的函数名称,把后端的数据添加到这个节点下面});})functionloaddata(node,func){//这个技巧真高,即能得到节点数据,又能把节点...
support as well as explain a full idea with no loading spending tons of time explore or forming proper pictures and adding all of them to the load the browser needs to bring every time the page gets displayed on site visitor's screen. That is certainly the reason that in time the so fa...
class="btn btn-primary" autocomplete="off"> Loading state $('#myButton').on('click', function () { var $btn = $(this).button('loading') // business logic... $btn.button('reset') }) Single toggle Add data-toggle="button" to activate toggling on a single button. Pre-toggled...
class="btn btn-primary"> Loading state $('#myButton').on('click', function () { var $btn = $(this).button('loading') // business logic... $btn.button('reset') }) Single toggle Add data-toggle="button" to activate toggling on a single button. Pre-toggled buttons need .act...
fortify or explain a certain idea with no loading using tons of time looking for or making up properimagesand including all of them to the load the internet browser will have to bring each and every time the web page gets displayed on visitor's display. That is certainly reasons why eventu...